As far as depths of geekiness... I have more friends in World of Warcraft than I do in real life!

Kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, was the law; and this mandate, down out of the depths of Time.

It goes without saying that a fine short poem can have the resonance and depth of an entire novel.

We lament the speed of our society and the lack of depth and the nature of disposable information.

Aspiring to a depth of awareness of the sacred whole has always been the path to wisdom and grace.

If the depths of everyone's sin was made public, we would all be much more gracious to each other.

There are many secrets in us, in the depths of our souls, that we don't want anyone to know about.

...God knows you can have complication and difficulty without any compensating depth or seriousness

If you want to win in this league, you need quality depth management, in the age of the salary cap.

I know the Bible is inspired because it finds me at greater depths of my being than any other book.

As a rule, I am very careful to be shallow and conventional where depth and originality are wasted.

It was a lone voice in the middle of the ocean, but it was heard at great depth and great distance.

I have depth. I've read Proust. No, wait, that was Pooh. Winnie the Pooh. My bad" Charley Davidson.

I knew that there was a great deal of depth and life that was sitting just beyond my mother's gaze.

Supporting characters add depth to a story, and great actors leave their imprint with the audience.

The depth lies in the valleys where we seek her, and not upon the mountain-tops where she is found.

There is nothing pleasurable except what is in harmony with the utmost depths of our divine nature.

Any country if you go really, really in depth somewhere, the human rights are not totally respected.

You focus on the depth of your relationship [with God]; let Him determine the scope of your ministry

I see that people now recognize me in the street. But it doesn't change me in the depth of my being.

Grant that I may not pray alone with the mouth; help me that I may pray from the depths of my heart.

Is life worth living? Aye, with the best of us, Heights of us, depths of us- Life is the test of us!

In your 20s you can be pretty, but you don't accomplish real beauty until you find wisdom and depth.

Music is an art that touches the depth of human existence; an art of sounds that crosses all borders.

In life, the first act is always exciting but it is the second act - that's where the depth comes in.

I yearn to be a woman of more depth, but I'm not so fond of the path I'd need to follow to get there.

It is not a person’s depth you must discover, but their ascent. Find their path from depth to ascent.

I am humbled by the encouragement of my supporters and the depth of their faith and confidence in me.

Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony and music inside me.

We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.

It is rash to intrude upon the piety of others: both the depth and the grace of it elude the stranger.

I always love depth. I like looking through windows, through frames, through spaces into other spaces.

The depth of your belief and the strength of your conviction determines the power of your personality.

And what colour do you suppose the inner depths of your soul are, Will Herondale?' 'Mauve,' said Will.

To be used in a part without depth is a frustrating feeling, when you know you have something to give.

Beautiful women rarely possess sufficient depth of character to survive without their pretty feathers.

If the movie's well made and it's about things that count, people will ultimately see the depth in it.

our love for the dead, like a floating iceberg, can only be measured by the depths of our resentments.

I did not like the nothing, and it is thus that I met the empty, the deep empty, the depth of the blue.

There were moments on the set when the depth of the cast of 'Dreamgirls' was almost overwhelming to me.

When God measures a church, He begins with its depth not its breadth, with its substance not its style.

Something you look at when you go into a World Cup is your depth and your players that change the game.

You don't come to see a Greek play and not want blood and gore and depth of feeling from your boots up.

A small pot boils quick. You can tell much about the depth of one's character by how quickly he 'boils'.

Diamonds are found only in the dark places of the earth, truths are found only in the depths of thought.

Sympathetic people often don't communicate well, they back reflected images which hide their own depths.

New sentient creatures filled the unseen depths, Life's glory and swiftness ran in the beauty of beasts.

The sky is like a monochromatic contemporay painting, drawing me in its illusion of depth, pulling me up.

We really believe that Walt Disney is a very able company with great depth and a great set of franchises.

I don't have a method of stepping into the depths of your heart without getting it dirty." -Kuchiki Rukia

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