AI is a tool. The choice about how it gets deployed is ours.

I joined the 800th MP Brigade when they were already deployed.

Fear is good and useful when it's deployed on the side of common sense.

I got married in 2009, and my husband and I both immediately deployed to Afghanistan.

It ended up taking eight years to finish college because I got deployed and went overseas.

By December 2009, I had come to terms with my gender identity just as I was deployed to Iraq.

My father was in the navy and so while he was deployed soon after I was born we moved to Australia.

I think the most rewarding thing is going over and being deployed and having done meaningful things.

But it cannot follow that because weapons and troops are now being deployed we are bound to go to war.

We forget some of the oldest medicines we have are love and compassion, and they can be deployed by everyone.

I think it's a combination of technical and social factors that leads to all the defects in deployed software.

Tanks being deployed far forward is an indication of offensive action; tanks in depth is an indication of defensive action.

The human voice deployed to recite the Vedas and later aid the temple dancers was paramount before any instruments emerged.

In practice, the U.K.'s most consistent strategic objective in relation to Iraq was to reduce the level of its deployed forces.

Looking at someone in a deployed setting, it's not in their best interest to get pregnant overseas, but if it happens, it happens.

Come year-end, there will be more capital deployed in newspace in 2016 than 2015. I see that trend continuing for the foreseeable future.

In 2010, I was an executive officer in the Navy, splitting my time between U.S. headquarters and being deployed to an international location.

Nato allies have been looking at various missile-defence options for some time. Nato itself is developing protections for our deployed troops.

It would be a matter of concern for government if intrusive data capture has been deployed against Indian citizens or government infrastructure.

While introducing AI into the government will save money through optimizing processes, it should also be deployed to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse.

I do believe that the United Nations needs to have more exacting, more enhanced professional standards for the military peacekeepers that are deployed.

U.S. soldiers, with whom I now have more than a passing acquaintance, joke that they track my movements in order to know where they will be deployed next.

We have a strong government and are a nuclear state. Even if our government was completely destroyed, our nuclear missiles would be automatically deployed.

According to the committee's findings, a network of mobile missiles carrying the newest warheads could be tested by China this year and deployed as early as 2002.

I didn't want to get pregnant while commanding an assault helicopter company and, before I knew it, I was deployed and missed out on many of my childbearing years.

The British deployed the men of their Indian army on the European battlefield from October 1914; the decision being made within days of the outbreak of hostilities.

Any soldier deployed overseas will think fondly of home. It is only right and fair that they are able to settle back into a home life once they leave their service.

When I deployed to Iraq with my fellow soldiers, putting our lives on the line for our country, no one in the media questioned our patriotism because of our religion.

Music is the most powerful sound there is, often inappropriately deployed. It's powerful for two reasons: you recognize it fast, and you associate it very powerfully.

My stepdaughter, who is based in Alaska right now, is a brand-new lieutenant in the Army. She could be deployed in 18 months. And another stepdaughter is a physician for the VA.

The men and women of the FBI are deployed around the clock, all over our country and around the world, identifying and disrupting threats, and pursuing those who would do us harm.

I wanted to join the Army, but my eyesight wasn't good, so I quit school and my job to just focus on fighting. I didn't want to just get deployed. I wanted to get in on the action.

If somebody in a family is in service, the whole family is in service. I didn't know that. I didn't know our veterans were being deployed seven, eight, nine, 10 times. It's inhumane.

Choosing a single most important development is incredibly hard to do because a lot of different things had to happen before the Internet could be deployed in the fashion it is today.

Words make a world of difference. Over time, they become charged with inference and allusion and, deployed effectively, they have the power to change the very fabric of our civilisation.

I had known Colonel Charlie Flynn since he was a lieutenant 23 years earlier, and I remembered how his first child, Molly, had been born while Charlie was deployed to the first Gulf War.

CIA will continue to pursue every lead; analyze the information we collect with critical, objective eyes; and brief reliable intelligence to protect U.S. forces deployed around the world.

Today, few terrorist organizations still employ the 'al-Qaeda model' in which individuals travel to terrorist training camps overseas and then are deployed to the West to inflict atrocities.

We ask them to remove the missiles deployed against Taiwan, give up their military threat, and instead let us together open the door to cross-Strait peaceful and stable dialogue and negotiations.

It's reasonable to say that certain things we understand should perhaps have limits on how they're used and how certain technologies are deployed. That's very much what we should do as a society.

I was deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq with British Special Forces Units. I have great respect for the British military and the country as a whole, so I don't have anything negative to say about that.

All of the military services - land, sea, and air - spend a great deal of time awake. This is a direct result of the high tempo of operations we conduct while forward deployed well outside our national borders.

Hundreds of thousands of American servicemen and women are deployed across the world in the war on terror. By bringing hope to the oppressed, and delivering justice to the violent, they are making America more secure.

Philanthropists today want input into how their monies are being deployed. The big question is, can governments use this insight to sell the rich the idea of paying more tax rather than spend more on charitable giving?

Life does not stand still for families and local communities when our brave men and women are deployed, but we can make their time apart more bearable by recognizing their sacrifice and fulfilling our commitments to them.

When you combine the men and women deployed from our military installations with activated reservists and members of the National Guard, Georgia is contributing more personnel to the theatre than any other State in our Union.

Lagos is sometimes emblematic of disorder. In traffic, drivers make their own rules. There is a constant war between our street hawkers and our various forms of law enforcement deployed to eradicate the 'indiscipline' of poverty.

When I was deployed, I could feel a full spectrum of American power keeping me safe. And yes, that was the armor on my vehicle; yes, it was the armor on my body; but it was also the armor of some level of American moral authority.

Well can I just make a point about the numbers because people talk a lot about police numbers as if police numbers are the holy grail. But actually what matters is what those police are doing. It's about how those police are deployed.

The candidates before you know that the IFP has set up a system of deployed IFP national and provincial leaders who are not only monitoring the performance of candidates during these elections but will also do so after these elections.

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