A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends upon the character of the user.

I just hate to lose. When I am on the court, it is like my life depends on it.

Your core supports your spine and your torso. Everything you do depends on it.

Ebay's success as a company depends on the success of the community of sellers.

Everything depends on this: a fathomless sinking into a fathomless nothingness.

What we can see depends heavily on what our culture has trained us to look for.

The very foundation of our democracy depends on the integrity of our elections.

Whether all is really lost or not depends entirely on whether or not I am lost.

A photograph can look anyway. It just depends basically on what you photograph.

Sometimes I can be tactful and sometimes not. It all depends on the mood I'm in.

We understand that we must make peace with nature - that our lives depend on it.

Sometimes I can be tactful and sometimes not. It all depends on the mood I'm in.

Fear depends on time for it's strength! Confront that which you fear with speed.

It all depends on how you choose to live it. It's like forever, always changing.

The future condition of the conquered power depends on the will of the conquerer.

There is nothing insignificant in the world. It all depends on the point of view.

The success of most things depends upon knowing how long it will take to succeed.

Nothing will happen automatically. Change depends on what you and I do every day.

It's the folks that depend on us for this and for the other that we most do miss.

Interviews can be stimulating. It depends on the intelligence of the interviewer.

I believe that our very survival depends upon us becoming better systems thinkers.

We are all members of a larger community which depends on everyone playing a part.

I find peace anywhere I go. It depends on what is within the walls of my own home.

What I do for exercise sort of depends on what's happening in the rest of my life.

All our security now depends on the wise decisions and cooperation of our leaders.

If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story.

Upon the education of the people of this country the fate of this country depends.

Everything depends on the club more than the player: the quantities, the paperwork.

I may go for it or I may not. It all depends on what I elect to do on my backswing.

Depend upon it, it is God's Word, not our comment upon God's Word, that saves souls.

We realize that if we live in a world that depends totally on CBS.com, we'd be dead.

Our growth depends not on how many experiences we devour, but on how many we digest.

There's nothing wrong with being a loser, it just depends on how good you are at it.

The legitimacy of the leadership depends on what that country thinks of its leaders.

If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem.

My practice schedule is not constant and changes a lot and depends on my moods also.

Most of my books have been about the complex ways an individual depends on community.

But while success and failure depend on conditions, the mind neither waxes nor wanes.

Everything depends on knowing how much,” she said, and “Good is knowing when to stop.

A bright future for the nation depends on the health and prosperity of rural America.

Sometimes you do want linemen to cut-block. It depends. It's all about what they feel.

The inspiration of the Bible depends upon the ignorance of the gentleman who reads it.

Money is of no value; it cannot spend itself. All depends on the skill of the spender.

The power I exert on the court depends on the power of my arguments, not on my gender.

Success in training the boy depends largely on the Scoutmaster's own personal example.

If I had to depend on what I actually get from sales, I'd be tending bar between sets.

The future of the Second Amendment depends on the free exercise of the First Amendment.

Many artists and scholars have pointed out that ultimately art depends on human nature.

When you're in trouble don't depend on yourself. Don't depend on people. Depend on God.

My biggest fear in the world is going broke and having to depend on someone else again.

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