Headline writing is tough because often times you are given a predetermined number of spaces and words depending on the layout and the type of the story.

I think that every person has many, many people inside of them. We change our personality depending on who we are talking to or what situation we are in.

Sometimes, when I'm doing an interview, my delivery or my take on a story may lean a little feminine, depending on the story, but it's never intentional.

'Homeland' really is one of those shows where they start to write more or less depending on what's kind of going on in a relationship between characters.

I have this theory that, depending on your attitude, your life doesn't have to become this ridiculous charade that it seems so many people end up living.

Depending on where my self-confidence was, growing up, I would use humor either to bring people closer, or to keep them away from certain feelings I had.

I have a chameleon quality and I'm able to transform completely to different looks from different decades, depending on the hair colour or make-up change.

The way in which you accomplish your goals and help your customers needs to be very flexible depending upon how those customers are reacting in real time.

Fortunately any of the songs we've recorded can be extremely fulfilling to perform depending on the variety of circumstances that surround any given show.

I usually say Latina, Mexican-American or American Mexican, and in certain contexts, Chicana, depending on whether my audience understands the term or not.

I've been told by many people that a lot of overseas players come into the Premier League, and they take time to integrate, depending on the circumstances.

I haven't got tinted windows. I get the odd 'Oi, Ains' and 'What's he like,' or 'I do enjoy your programmes,' depending on where you are. That's quite nice.

People live, work, walk, play, shop, study, and eat with other people. There are few desert dwellers who live alone without depending in some way on people.

With any character I have played, there's infinite possibilities for how they might behave, depending on who they are talking to or how they react to things.

There's some part of me, as an actor, that likes attention and validation, but on any given day, depending on the style and volume of it, it can be too much.

The merit of 'The Spy Who Came in from the Cold,' then - or its offence, depending where you stood - was not that it was authentic, but that it was credible.

I would like to have a child, depending on my work and financial security. I will take that step as soon as I am ready for it. I might also consider adoption.

For me, I feel like I've always driven the same, it's just depending on what situation that I'm in, depending on what I want to do. So, I'll always race hard.

Subway Symphony is a little idea I had to change the sound of the subway turnstiles into different pieces of music, depending on what station you're entering.

'The Scarlet Gospels' does, by general consensus, seem to mark a new high - or low, depending on your point of view - in its excessiveness, in its extremities.

When you have a song on the radio your career and your life changes maybe for the better and maybe for the not so good... depending on how it's going that day.

Dancing is something I do. Not something I just want to do. It's something I just do, depending on how I'm feeling. I don't see myself taking that as just a job.

We all dream. We dream vividly, depending on our nature. Our existence is beyond our explanation, whether we believe in God or we have religion or we're atheist.

I don't do fake. That's the first thing you should know about me. I'm not one to put on airs or change my demeanor depending on where I am or who I am talking to.

Characters, like people, don't need to be right - only understood and, perhaps, accepted. We are all grey, lighter and darker, depending on our state of security.

I like to keep almonds in my pantry. I also like to keep fruit on hand, just different types depending on the season. And string cheese - that's a really good one.

Whenever I make music, I just make it depending on however I feel at that moment and what I'm getting inspiration from, so it depends - whatever, it's just my mood.

French Yemeni relations are strong and good, they are relations depending on friendship and cooperation; my relationship with the president Chiraq are old and real.

The shows are so different from each other, depending on whether I play with my band, Nine Stories, other musicians, an orchestra, only one or two members of my band.

I think if an actor is right for a role, casting sees that, and the words that are on the page, depending on how it's written, can really help your character develop.

I got tired of depending on other people, and I had this strong desire to make music of my own. I decided to start writing my own tunes and just see what could happen.

It's got to be harder in real life to win a World Cup. But depending on if you play World Class level on FIFA, it's going to be difficult to win in the video game, too.

Stories are amazing and powerful because they can resonate with people depending on their needs and experiences and speak truths we need to hear in that moment in time.

Everybody's going to approach a character differently, depending upon what they bring to it on their own intellectual level or their feelings from their heart and soul.

I come home from work, and depending on the day or depending on what was going on, if I needed to adjust, I'd just meditate or play guitar or watch some 'Monty Python.'

'Even Flow' is the best to play live because of the long solos. It starts out slow and builds, and, depending on what the audience does, I can reflect that in the solo.

As a college student, you're depending on your scholarship money, money your parents send you. So I guess when people start talking about big figures, it doesn't hit me.

The term 'Consulting Producer' is extraordinarily nebulous in TV, and it really means something different depending on the show and the specific circumstances negotiated.

From jazz, the blues, country and rock to Hollywood movies, culture has in many ways been our greatest export (or our most obnoxious one, depending on your point of view).

Having a lot of people suddenly depending on me to get the job done was a marvelous motivator. The book and movie deals seemed to flip a switch in my head, and off I went.

To say that its wrong to feel this way is not the point; you do feel it. All you see is a flash of fire and, depending on your altitude, you don't even see that sometimes.

This is very similar to astronomy where different magnitudes are assigned to the brightness of an astronomical object, depending on the range of wavelengths being measured.

The idea of the celebrity politician is nothing new, and depending on one's perspective, either President Obama or Sarah Palin are the country's first celebrity politicians.

Depending on which day, and how I am feeling on that day, I have a different favorite song on the album. One day it might be 'Karma', and other days it is 'Stay For A While'

Depending on how I'm feeling that day or the music I'm listening to, I will pick appropriate lighting to help create the atmosphere for me. I use a lot of blues and purples.

Depending on what I'm working on, I come to the writing desk with entirely different mindsets. When I change form one to the other, it's as if another writer is on the scene.

You know being relevant or coming up with something interesting, funny to say about what's current is just as hard as it might ever be depending on the serendipity of it all.

I am always acting, be at a party, at work or in office. My attitude changes from meeting to meeting, from being serious to intense to funny, depending on who is in the room.

Cricket, politics, and cinema is what a majority in our country are most passionate about. They have the power to divide the best of friends depending on which side you are on.

In the end, someone is depending on me to show up on their set looking a specific way, whether that's 40 pounds overweight or 40 pounds underweight - or looking like a stripper.

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