Just advertising departments with legs and high heels.

There is nothing Federal about local volunteer fire departments.

Many of the Universities have very good Theatre Departments these days.

Diversity matters. You want your city departments to look like the city.

I'd always suspected my face wouldn't fit in drama departments. And it never did!

I always try and learn as much as I can from different departments on a film set.

The Founding Fathers had just four Cabinet departments and the postmaster general.

I was involved with drama departments since the 5th grade. I played at it. It was an escape.

I think there are several departments we could completely get rid of, and we wouldn't miss it.

Nixon's attempts to order subversion of various departments was bound to come out in some form.

Our engineering departments build freeways which destroy a city or a landscape, in the process.

Let's do away with the Departments of Education, Energy Commerce, Housing and Urban Development.

I was just lucky enough to grow up in a time when they actually had drama departments in schools.

I noticed that, on 'Spooks,' there were a lot of women behind the camera and in different departments.

With big productions, you can sometimes get lost with the terminology and all the different departments.

Poetry is something that happens in universities, in creative writing programs or in English departments.

The LAPD, like most police departments, is a male-dominated bureaucracy. A woman faces a lot of pushback.

Most people don't know how underpaid and often ill-equipped urban fire departments are across North America.

Stunt coordinating is a good training ground for directing because you have exposure to all the departments in film.

It seems to me that before we give federal funds to police departments, we ought to mandate that they have body cams.

I want to go to film college to learn about the departments and how everything works. Then I'm going to start directing.

The 'free market' is the product of laws and rules continuously emanating from legislatures, executive departments, and courts.

I am anxious that, in some areas, changes across Government departments are making things worse for our nation's mental health.

For target shooting, that's okay. Get a license and go to the range. For defense of the home, that's why we have police departments.

All too often, academic departments defend their territory with the passion of cornered animals, though with far less justification.

With all due respect to the nation's fish and game departments, more deer die because people hunt them than because people feed them.

A diplomatic mission, like a company, is comprised of multiple departments, all of which must be relied upon to move business forward.

I never went to drama school, but I was really lucky in that both my junior school and secondary school had brilliant drama departments.

All War Departments are now Defense Departments. This is all part of the doubletalk of our time. The aggressor is always on the other side.

Life was easy was back in the days before human resource departments controlled business and someone decided we all should be politically correct.

I think, with these shows, with 'Last Week Tonight,' with 'Full Frontal,' I think, as these shows have evolved, we all have research departments now.

Many police departments still use DNA evidence the way they have used fingerprints and tire tracks: to determine whether a suspect committed the crime.

Radio interoperability is essential for our police, fire, and emergency medical service departments to communicate with each other in times of emergency.

In setting goals and executing a strategy, Wanda is sophisticated. We have good systems and departments. If targets are not reached, a yellow light goes off.

I don't really want followers, to be honest; that's what Twitter is for. I want people who can make their own decisions and look after their own departments.

My job as the national security adviser is to distill and present to the president the views and options that come from the various departments and agencies.

If you're quiet, knowing that there's a culture of racism inside most police departments, and you're not saying anything, you are on the wrong side of history.

I now know what to do; I know how decisions can be made. I know how you can drive ministers and their departments to actually make decisions and bring results.

Our volunteer fire departments know their needs better than Washington, D.C. They need more flexibility on spending grant money from FEMA and Homeland Security.

Our country has a painful history of mistrust between police departments and people of color. The overuse of stop-and-frisk has made those divisions much worse.

If police departments won't remove officers who lack integrity, prosecutors should ensure that no one is prosecuted based on those officers' unreliable accounts.

I support the elimination and defunding of all agencies like the Education and Energy Departments because they fall outside of the framework of the Constitution.

Furthermore, both Pennsylvania and New Jersey Departments of Environmental Protection have evaluated the sediment to be dredged and also found it to be not toxic.

As the Chief Minister, I make it a point that review meetings are conducted every day - sometimes more than thrice a day - involving heads of all departments concerned.

Congress mandated that health care providers in emergency departments and ambulances provide emergency care to anyone in need, including the uninsured and underinsured.

Improving veterans' employment is an all-hands-on-deck enterprise. We work with the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs, with private sector partners and others.

Information technology departments must spend enormous amounts of time and money worrying about integrating big computer systems with billions of pieces of customer data.

I spent a lot of time with the LAPD. I spent six weeks training, weapons training, ride-alongs, surveillance, interviewing them, in all different departments and divisions.

I do not support the idea of defunding police departments. I believe that it does nothing to solve the root problems we must address and it makes our communities less safe.

It is a matter of concern that science departments in India's vast university system have suffered greatly due to lack of investments, both material and in terms of faculty.

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