Success is a great deodorant.

Winning is the best deodorant.

Just be yourself and wear deodorant.

There's no deodorant for desperation.

I like stick deodorant. I'm not a huge fan of spritz.

Books have become products, like cereal or perfume or deodorant.

Oh good Lord. She definitely hadn't put on enough deodorant for this.

I've turned down soap and deodorant commercials - it wasn't my route.

I love the smell of a woman's armpit when she's not wearing deodorant.

Winning is like deodorant - it comes up and a lot of things don't stink.

I am obsessed with Green Tidings deodorant - it's this natural deodorant.

They were checking us so closely, I could tell what brand of deodorant they were using.

I like ungroomed men. The relaxed look. I don't like fussy guys. Just shower and use deodorant.

You can't look good and feel good if you're worried about whether your deodorant is working or not.

I smell of sweat. I don't like people smelling of all these weird things. I think deodorant is disgusting.

I don't use deodorant. If you drink enough water, you shouldn't have to. I think I smell pretty good without it.

Oh my God, I sweat so much! You have to keep deodorant in your purse and use those deodorising wipes that cool you off a bit.

I dont wear cologne. I do occasionally, but anytime I take a shower, I just put on deodorant. Thats basically what I smell like.

You've just got to win in China - that's it. Winning is like good deodorant. When you don't win, it's like you stink; you smell.

I don't wear cologne. I do occasionally, but anytime I take a shower, I just put on deodorant. That's basically what I smell like.

Americans want grungy people, stabbing themselves in the head on stage. They get a bright bunch like us, with deodorant on, they don't get it.

I may be nervous," I say. "Okay, I'm really glad you said that, because I just went to the back room to put on more deodorant." Sebastian says.

My workout regimen at the moment is nonexistent. I wake up in the morning and brush my teeth. My toothbrush and deodorant are my only dumbbells. That's about it.

[Travel seems] not just a way of having a good time, but something that every self-respecting citizen ought to undertake, like a high-fiber diet, say, or a deodorant.

I've always said winning's the great deodorant, and conversely, when you have a bad record, everything stinks, and everything starts to unravel, and everything falls apart.

In Cincy, we're told how much Gatorade we could take home. In Houston, we get what we request. You get soap and deodorant at your request. You don't have a roommate on road trips.

I pack a toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant. That's it. I don't have the time or patience for anything else. I'm a natural kind of guy. I don't style my hair - never learned how.

It was reported that Anna Kournikova is coming out with her own brand of deodorant. Apparently, the ads show Kournikova holding up her deodorant and saying now only her tennis game stinks.

I actually use women's perfume - I have since I was a kid. It's called Anais Anais, from Rachael. It smells like a beautiful woman and a bouquet of flowers. I use that and Right Guard deodorant.

I like the brand BioNike for shower gel, creams, deodorant, and hair products. I also love RestivOil - it's a yellowy, orange shampoo that I've used forever because it's the gentlest on the scalp.

I was going to go make a film in Greece. If they caught you with this much marijuana, they threw you in jail, no questions asked, and I was trying to stuff it in my deodorant bottles. I thought, what I am doing?

I had a brief experience in the food industry. I was a bus boy in a Mexican restaurant in Arizona, scraping re-fried beans off people's plates. It teaches you a bit of humility and the importance of a good deodorant.

To walk into a casting room full of people who look like you is a crazy thing. What is the thing that necessitates all of us having the exact same shade of skin and having the same hair? What about this deodorant commercial needs that?

I was cast in this commercial called "Hour After Hour." It was for a deodorant that won't wear off. And [Susan Sarandon] became the Hour After Hour girl after me. But I never met her. So I didn't really know Susan till after this movie [ "The Big Wedding"].

I just always feel that you need Degree deodorant when you have those moments whether they are embarrassing or whatever, but every day you should be protected. I wish that maybe I had a type of celebrity to look up to when I was young telling me what to use and stuff.

There's a deodorant I wear called Baux, from L'Occitane, that is super nostalgic because it reminds me of being in Greece in the summer. When I put it on, I'm immediately taken back to that feeling of having salty skin and hair from the ocean and the taste of fresh fish.

I'm attracted to bold women - I collect them. I met one of my best friends when we both were about 22 and working at 'Mirabella' magazine. I was wearing this blue dress I had borrowed from my mom, and I didn't know I had deodorant lines all over it until my friend signaled to me.

In Israel, I think I have the image of an 'Ashkenazi woman' as a stereotype. Someone once told me that I look like a deodorant commercial. But my appearance is misleading; I can be emotionally aggressive, too, and in 'Law and Order,' I once played a murderer. I see no limitations. I see both my toughness and the softness.

Ren frowned as he surveyed the madness they were knee-deep in. “Why are you under such heavy fire?” Nick gave him a droll stare. “Oh, I don’t know. But we’re really enjoying it. Fear has such a wonderfully romantic scent to it that they ought to turn it into cologne and deodorant. Eau de Ew. Let’s all just take a minute, and bask in it.

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