Every tooth in a man's head is more valuable than a diamond.

A dentist at work in his vocation always looks down in the mouth.

A man loses his illusions first, his teeth second, and his follies last.

There was never yet philosopher that could endure the toothache patiently

An aching tooth is better out than in. To lose a rotting member is a gain.

The grinding of the intellect is for most people as painful as a dentists drill.

If suffering brought wisdom, the dentist's office would be full of luminous ideas.

Some tortures are physical And some are mental, But the one that is both Is dental.

I don't get off on romantic parts. But I often think if I had had my dental work done early on, well, maybe.

My health plan doesn't cover dental, so I enrolled my teeth as 32 dependents, each needing a complete physical once a year.

I had very good dentures once. Some magnificent gold work. It's the only form of jewelry a man can wear that women fully appreciate.

I've been giving free money seminars for the troops at Walter Reed Hospital and one of the Iraqi War Vets realized that the military wouldn't pay for the dental work he needed.

I am terribly British. Especially in the eyes of Americans. I drink several gallons of tea a day, I'm often excessively polite and it's only through many years of expensive and painful dental work that I don't have bad teeth.

Darla [from Buffy The Vampire Slayer] wasn't Darla in the beginning, by the way. Darla was just Vampire Girl #1. But I just started adding a little bit of glee and joy into everything she did and just relied on the fact that the prosthetic does the work. And then I didn't have to be scary. The prosthetic was scary enough. I just had to smile and show off Darla's really great dental work.

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