Under certain circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.

I denied this for many, many years and years... but you cannot help but not see a little of my mother in the character of Edna.

When we got back to the U.S., I wanted to kiss the ground after seeing what people in other countries are denied or don't have.

We have all had the experience of finding that our reactions and perhaps even our deeds have denied beliefs we thought were ours.

For far too long, Washington has denied the American citizens of Puerto Rico vital human services and adequate health care funding.

Media reporting denied privacy to anybody doing what I do for a living. It was no longer possible to work on your picture in privacy.

I've always known that my father's father and grandfather and grandmother were from Mexico. I've never denied it. I've always said it.

Living in this world, we all just want to be happy. And I don't think it is right to be denied that opportunity over a single mistake.

I believe that in New York, we must have one set of rules for everyone - and that means women cannot be unfairly denied health coverage.

My father decided early on to get me the best education money could buy. He wanted me to have the opportunities that were denied to him.

We really have to be willing to find out who we are instead of rebelling for the equal rights that we've been denied, that we do deserve.

The man who is denied the opportunity of taking decisions of importance begins to regard as important the decisions he is allowed to take.

You need to have that killer instinct. It can't be taught. Where does it come from? A couple slaps. A couple things you had denied to you.

In these days, it is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of an education.

Since I'm the youngest in the family, I sulk when my parents deny me something, although I come around when they explain why it was denied.

It is a fact that cannot be denied: the wickedness of others becomes our own wickedness because it kindles something evil in our own hearts.

Within the theater lies the power to stimulate and alter the hearts and minds of both the privileged and those who have too long been denied.

Plays are painful. But the very act of writing is a basic freedom denied some women. Some would call it a privilege. So what's a little pain?

In Africa through the 1990s, with notable exceptions in Senegal and Uganda, nearly all the ruling powers denied they had a problem with AIDS.

If the arts are held up solely as a means of social insight, fantasy is denied the chance to be commonplace and reality the chance to be exotic.

Where laws recognize rights to collective bargaining, the truth is that employee rights to negotiate with employers are denied in many countries.

We have a plan that creates universal access programs at the state level which allows folks to access insurance if they're denied by their insurer.

The so-called 'Employee Free Choice Act' envisions a world where workers would be denied privacy and forced to vote in an atmosphere of intimidation.

When Europeans came upon real ruined cities they refused to believe that they had been built by Africans. Here the past has been distorted and denied.

Negroes who have been so long inconvenienced and denied opportunities for development are naturally afraid of anything that sounds like discrimination.

But I think the children of actors share a certain pragmatic approach. One is denied some of that 'running away with the circus' element of being an actor.

Our citizens will lose their confidence or trust in the values and principles of the international community, especially if our personal identity is denied.

I've had a bris, was Bar Mitzvahed and, on occasion, have referred to a temple as a shul. I've never denied it, nor have I disguised it. I am, indeed, a Jew.

The Rock had the amazing athletic abilities that few people are gifted with, but he also had the burning desire to be the best, and none of that can be denied.

I have always found it jarring to encounter people born and raised in, say, Switzerland, who are denied its citizenship and still considered Algerians or Turks.

No one should be denied the opportunity to get an education and increase their earning potential based solely on their inability to pay for a college education.

Twenty-five million people who live in North Korea are denied freedom in every respect of their lives. In short, they are hostages. Imagine 25 million hostages.

There is not a right too long denied to which we do not aspire in order to achieve; there is not a wrong too long endured that we are not determined to abolish.

People who are denied access to power are also denied the opportunity to make or influence decisions to live a better life out of poverty and claim their rights.

Day by day we should weigh what we have granted to the spirit of the world against what we have denied to the spirit of Jesus, in thought and especially in deed.

Workers have kept faith in American institutions. Most of the conflicts, which have occurred have been when labor's right to live has been challenged and denied.

There are countless fantastic actors out there who are being denied the opportunity to play Broadway because they're not a name, and I think that's kind of wrong.

The German people were not denied, however, the possibility of improving their lot by hard work over the years. Industrial growth and progress were not denied them.

There was a terrible fear for me when I started writing, which was that if you'd been denied unbelievably tumultuous experience, you didn't have permission to write.

I've never denied my sexual orientation. I just don't make a point of it. It isn't what I do. Clearly, I'm known for the work I've done on trade and Social Security.

It can hardly be denied that such a demand quite arbitrarily limits the facts which are to be admitted as possible causes of the events which occur in the real world.

Look at our Lords disciples. One denied Him; one doubted Him; one betrayed Him. If our Lord couldn't have perfection, how are you going to have it in city government?

As I discovered, even the governor of a major state who holds pro-life views can be denied a hearing at his party's convention without the national media protesting it.

I'll be doing stand-up for the rest of my life. The opportunities that it grants you can't be denied. Stand-up is both the hardest thing I do and the thing I enjoy most.

Canadians would not tolerate it if they really knew there was a whole generation of aboriginal Canadians who have a chance at a better education and are being denied it.

If we had failed to pursue the facts as far as they led, we would have denied the public any knowledge of an unprecedented scheme of political surveillance and sabotage.

I have the Pleasure to assure you Congress pay particular Attention to the Defence of New Jersey, and hitherto have denied us nothing which we have Asked for that Purpose.

In spite of the dominant role played by women in both farming, they are denied credit as they lack land titles. Only a small percentage of Kisan Credit Cards goes to them.

The new disease was named chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and the NFL fervently and repeatedly denied that such a thing had anything to do with the league or its players.

Misclassification means workers are denied not just minimum wage and overtime but other social safety net protections like workers' compensation and unemployment insurance.

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