Most people find facts irritating. Facts interfere with their systems of denial.

The greatest barrier to someone achieving their potential is their denial of it.

[P]erhaps you notice how the denial is so often the preface to the justification.

We need to pay as much attention to improper denials as we do to improper grants.

Denial has been a way of life for me for many years. I actually believe in denial.

The pathway to your best life isn't the route of denial. It's owning every moment.

My personal feeling is that human beings have this incredible capacity for denial.

The climate is changing, and anyone who disagrees is, in my view, still in denial.

A complete fast is a complete and literal denial of self. It is the truest prayer.

I'm actually a very private person. Sometimes I'm in denial that I'm really famous.

The speed of the human mind is remarkable. So is its inability to face the obvious.

It is easier to make money than to save it. One is exertion, the other, self-denial.

Denial, perhaps, is a necessary human mechanism to cope with the heartaches of life.

Chronically dysfunctioning families are also delusional. Delusion is sincere denial.

We are now so far advanced in our denial of evil that we want to rationalise it away.

How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him.

People - and I include myself - get fat because they choose pleasure over self-denial.

I take the love of God and self-denial to be the sum of all saving grace and religion.

It is a denial of the divinity within us to doubt our potential and our possibilities.

There are only two states of being in the world of codependency - recovery and denial.

The denial of suffering is, in fact a better definition of illness than its acceptance.

I am camp. Lots of gay men can't cope with their campness. They are in denial about it.

I'm an actor. 99.9% of all actors in the world have been in denial towards the military.

Even on the spiritual path, we have things we'll tend to cover up or be in denial about.

Singleness, simplicity, is required of me. One treasure, a single eye, and a sole Master!

Skepticism is not a denial of belief, but rather a denial of rational grounds for belief.

You can't have a tin can tied to your tail and go through life pretending it isn't there.

If you meet a woman in a burqa, she can't reply to your smile. It's a denial of identity.

The primary symptom of a controller is denial, that is I can't see its symptoms in myself.

Washington is the place where nobody believes a rumor until it has been officially denied.

[Donald Trump] has a huge mandate and they're still in denial and do not even know it yet.

There are places where the mind dies so that a truth which is its very denial may be born.

There is no defence against an evil which only the victims and the perpetrators know exists.

But sometimes living in denial was the only way to keep a man from going on a killing spree.

All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present.

We were in denial about the extent to which Britain had cured itself of the poison of racism.

You and I are but specks of that rhythmic urge which is Brahma, which is Allah, which is God.

Your denial is beneath you, and thanks to the use of hallucinogenic drugs, I see through you.

Holocaust denial is not only a falsification of history, it is an expression of anti-Semitism.

The easiest rationalization for the refusal to seek the truth is the denial that truth exists.

The act of self-denial seems to confer on us the right to be harsh and merciless toward others.

She's in that state of mind that she wants to deny SOMETHING only she doesn't know what to deny!

If art, all art, is concerned with truth, then a society in denial will not find much use for it.

As the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, so the denial of God is the height of foolishness.

I'm very much in denial that I can't dance. I really go for it, which is almost more embarrassing.

Most diets would have you cutting things out from your diet; they are about denial and discipline.

Denial: my family heritage. If you don't ask the questions, the truth will never inconvenience you.

Neither of us can come to either a knowledge of God, or a denial of God by our scientific research.

Atheism is not the denial of the existence of God, but having doubts as to whether God is conscious.

He that is impatient, and cannot wait on God for a mercy, will not easily submit to Him in a denial.

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