My biggest television weakness is 'Dragons' Den.'

I'm very excited about having the Internet in my den.

In the search for a new challenge I'm glad that I came across ADO Den Haag.

I don't mind going into a liberal lion's den. That's where you test yourself.

Dragons' Den' is about as close to real business as you can get on television.

The reality in business and in 'Dragons' Den' is you win some, and you lose some.

'Dragons' Den' and 'The Apprentice' have opened people's eyes to what they can do.

My mother thought Hollywood was a den of iniquity, and people came to terrible bad ends there.

If someone comes onto 'Dragons' Den' and annoys me, I'm going to tell them exactly what I think.

I'm not a woman in the 'Den,' I'm a Dragon, we're all there to invest, it has nothing to do with gender.

When I first started on 'Dragons' Den,' I was under pressure to buy flashy cars and boats but I resisted.

Going into a locker room that's not even yours to begin with is certainly like you're entering the lion's den.

New York is really the place to be; to go to New York, you're going to the center of the world, the lion's den.

When I was playing with ADO Den Hag in the youth teams at that time I was quite strong because I was used to older people.

If I'm filming 'Dragons' Den', we work flat out until 8pm, although I love seeing the weird, wonderful and plain delusional.

I often go into the lions' den and engage with those I know oppose my views, because I want to understand what other people think.

When you are challenging for the world title, you've got to go into the lion's den to try and rip that belt away from the champion.

What the entrepreneur gets on 'Dragons' Den' is direct access to people with masses of experience who can actually make quick decisions.

The Smithsonian should box and preserve Tim McGraw's Nashville den for a future exhibit entitled 'Early 21st Century American Man Cave.'

If you look at all the investments made during 'Dragons' Den,' the ratio of those that make it to those that don't is actually extremely high.

Without editors planning assignments and copy editors fixing mistakes, reporters quickly deteriorate into underwear guys writing blogs from their den.

Founders Den provides the kind of collaborative and creative atmosphere to foster new ideas not only for emerging new businesses, but government as well.

Having been a fan of 'Dragons' Den' since it first aired in 2005 I was absolutely delighted and proud to have the opportunity of becoming a Dragon myself.

If people have got an amazing opportunity such as on 'Dragons' Den' and they mess it up by being lazy with their presentation it does make me a bit cross.

Even if everything its detractors say about Fox were true, the most liberal of liberal attitudes would be that one would get credit for being in the lion's den.

When I need guidance or just to kvetch or to bounce ideas off of people, I go to Gail Simone, who is very much kind of the den mother of all of us who are working comics.

I was born in Den Bosch, where the painter Hieronymus Bosch named himself after. And so I've always been very fond of this painter who lived and worked in the 15th century.

There is no such thing as national advertising. All advertising is local and personal. It's one man or woman reading one newspaper in the kitchen or watching TV in the den.

After all those days in the cotton fields, the dreams came true on a gold record on a piece of wood. It's in my den where I can look at it every day. I wear it out lookin' at it.

Woe to us if we get our satisfaction from the food in the kitchen and the TV in the den and the sex in the bedroom with an occasional tribute to the cement blocks in the basement!

There's nothing new about European anti-Americanism. To go to a dinner party of intellectuals in Paris in 1960 was like walking into a tiger's den with a piece of raw meat in your hands.

An idyllic period of my existence was when I had a den attached to my home... a writing den, and no one had access to that unless they had their own special visa, applied for weeks in advance.

Much as I'm loving the 'Strictly' experience, I'm sure I'll always be better known for my business career and my appearances on 'Dragons' Den' than I will for my cha-cha-cha or Viennese waltz.

When I was on 'Dragons' Den,' most of the letters I received were from people under 16. They wrote about their ideas, their views, their challenges. The audience is actually a very young audience.

Rehearsals are great because without them, you feel like you're being thrown into a lion's den. But being on set, shooting your scenes that you've been preparing for months - that's a great feeling.

I had to make a name up, and it came from one of my sisters; she was a fan of Frankie Laine. The 'Denny' thing, in those days, everyone had a backyard, and a den to hang out. I think I got that nickname there.

I don't actually go to that many conferences. I do that a couple of times a year. Normally, I am not recognized; people don't throw their panties at me. I'm a perfectly normal person sitting in my den just doing my job.

I went through quite a few establishments that maybe weren't great for myself - security units, youth-offender places. I guess that was going to the lions' den. Social services said, 'You've got to go to some sort of school.'

Books like Munro's are so deeply personal and idiosyncratic that it feels like a violation to subject them to the crude business of committee meetings and PR releases; you might as well storm a butterfly den with a klieg light.

My office doubles as a karaoke den for the neighborhood. There are strobe lights and Rock Band plastic guitars, a disco ball and a fog machine and some other things. I have a really long work day, and you might find me doing karaoke by myself late at night.

I think a lot of people are getting bored of audition-based shows, along the lines of 'Strictly Come Dancing' or 'The X-Factor'. I know I am. But 'Dragons' Den' will have a longer shelf-life than all of them because it's fundamentally real in a way that other shows aren't.

I think Clinton, after getting into office and into Washington, was shocked at being bludgeoned. So he spent time trying to be all things to all people - one way guaranteed not to be successful or respected in a lion's den. You can't just play around with all those big cats - you've got to take somebody on.

I got thrown into the lion's den when I got to Alpha Male. My first sparring session was with Joe Benavidez, Chad Mendes and those guys, just bleeding from my face, its not like they took it easy on me. It was one of those things where we sparred 3-4 days a week, and we got thrown in there and that's what made me as tough as I am.

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