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When Bush says democracy, I often wonder what he's referring to.
Democracy can only be measured on the existence of an opposition
Democracy is the great love of the failures and cowards of life.
Propaganda is to a democracy what violence is to a dictatorship.
Democracy has now become corrupted by the nature of the funders.
I believe that without free enterprise there can be no democracy.
Democracy was the right of the people to choose their own tyrant.
We have an underdeveloped democracy and overdeveloped plutocracy.
The way you get democracy to function is by informing the public.
We have to implant democracies where there are now dictatorships.
The role of citizen in our democracy does not end with your vote.
I am trying to create awareness of the true concept of democracy.
Hungary is against the export of democracy and opposes migration.
Our democracy has been around far longer than European democracy.
Socialism is the completion of democracy, not the negation of it.
Democracy is the form of government in which the free are rulers.
You and I have never seen democracy; all we've seen is hypocrisy.
Who would have guessed that the monster of fraud was a democracy?
Democracy does not race, it reaches the finish slowly but surely.
Democracy never comes by the barrel of a gun, or by cluster bombs.
Don't put no constrictions on da people! Leave 'em the hell alone!
Democracy: In which you say what you like and do what you're told.
In order to have enough freedom, it is necessary to have too much.
If the war on terror is endless, you could forget about democracy.
Democracy is too important to leave up to the votes of the people.
In a democracy, the most important office is the office of citizen
Are democracy and poetry exclusive of one another and, if so, why?
Democracy, like life, is hard to learn and doesn't have a teacher.
A nation that hates politics will not long survive as a democracy.
Democracy means the belief that humanistic culture should prevail.
The present crisis of Western democracy is a crisis in journalism.
Democracy has many enemies, and the terrorist is only one of them.
A democracy depends on its people, the literate and the well read.
Children in a third world country. That's how we spread democracy.
I support our democracy. And sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
Most liberal democracies don't try to figure out what the truth is.
In a democracy, everyone has the right to criticise the Government.
If we are going to save our hides, we need to start with democracy.
Charity erodes the cultural prerequisites for a vigorous democracy.
A democratic organization has to dare to do the right at all costs.
Democracies do not go to war. War is not our expression of thought.
Communism destroys democracy. Democracy can also destroy Communism.
A democracy is a compromise by its nature. It's not a dictatorship.
When threatened, the first thing a democracy gives up is democracy.
More often than not "fair" and "balanced" may be mutually exclusive
Despotism may be able to do without religion, but democracy cannot.
Cuba will be able to move towards freedom and democracy once again.
Intimidation, harassment and violence have no place in a democracy.
In real danger sometimes even a democracy can really keep a secret.
Without democracy in our homes, we will never have it in the world.