The object of music is a Sound. The end; to delight, and move various Affections in us.

There is a certain unique and strange delight about walking down an empty street alone.

Be not content with the best book; seek sidelights from the others; have no favourites.

The challenge before us is to savor the unknown and delight in the taste of possibility.

I've been around so many people for so long that I take great delight in my own company.

It is the prowess of scholars that meetings bring delight and departures leave memories.

It's hard to think of a 16-month child being anything other than a delight to be around.

Finished things cease to be a shelter for the spirit; but work in progress is a delight.

Delighting in God's Word leads us to delight in God, and delight in God drives away fear.

Sometimes our weakness is considered strength, and we take delight in borrowed greatness.

Unless men see a beauty and delight in the worship of God, they will not do it willingly.

Truth is a constant delight to those that love her; such beauty holds no power to offend.

Deny the world, defy the devil, despise the flesh, and delight yourself only in the Lord.

That is a good book which is opened with expectation, and closed with delight and profit.

Shakespeare . . . If he does not give you delight, you had better ignore him [if you can].

Since women do most delight in revenge, it may seem but feminine manhood to be vindictive.

A cunning mind emphatically delights in its own cunning, and is the ready prey of cunning.

Happiness is a gift and the trick is not to expect it, but to delight in it when it comes.

The poor go to war, to fight and die for the delights, riches, and superfluities of others.

This is music that will disturb your imagination and delight your heart-a rare combination.

Music is a treasure and a love and a delight. It clears people's souls and lifts them high.

What delights, what pleasures does your life offer you that outweigh the raptures of death?

Unformed people delight in the gaudy and in novelty. Cooked people delight in the ordinary.

If customers say you're just 'all right', you've not done enough, you've failed to delight.

Oh! one hour with God infinitely exceeds all the pleasures and delights of this lower world.

Music is an agreeable harmony for the honor of God and the permissible delights of the soul.

Poor, dear God. Playing Idiot's Delight. The game that never means anything, and never ends.

If there's delight in love, 'Tis when I see that heart, which others bleed for, bleed for me.

Some time all kinds of letters will be published to the ineffable delight of endless readers.

Nature intended me for the tranquil pursuits of science by rendering them my supreme delight.

That which we are not permitted to have we delight in; that which we can have is disregarded.

Why, all delights are vain; but that most vain, Which, with pain purchas'd, doth inherit pain.

I wake up and I say to myself 'How can I delight Vogue?' and usually I succeed pretty quickly.

Money is the sovereign queen of all delights - for her, the lawyer pleads, the soldier fights.

We can't hire out our own inner work, but we can do the manual labor with delight and decency.

Philosophy ... bears witness to the deepest love of reflection, to absolute delight in wisdom.

In direct contradiciton to the American dream, God actually delights in exalting our inability.

Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The Valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone.

Books have become our dearest companions, yielding exquisite delights and inspiring lofty aims.

So now the floodgates are open to the delight of pure form, whatever its origin. Anything goes.

Science in textbooks is not fun. But if you start doing science yourself, you will find delight.

To know it is not as good as to love it, and to love it is not as good as to take delight in it.

I look upon the pleasure we take in a garden as one of the most innocent delights in human life.

'Middlesex' by Jeffrey Eugenides left me both moved and, at times, laughing out loud in delight.

To work - to work! It is such infinite delight to know that we still have the best things to do.

Love consists in desiring to give what is our own to another and feeling his delight as our own.

No pleasure is fully delightful without communications, and no delight absolute except imparted.

Knowing how things work is the basis for appreciation, and is thus a source of civilized delight.

I confess I take perverse delight as a theologian in the controversies surrounding postmodernism.

War is the statesman's game, the priest's delight, the lawyer's jest, the hired assassin's trade.

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