It is not only that Germany has been defeated in the war, Kaiser Wilhelm's Germany was defeated.

Most people feel very strongly that Donald Trump is a threat to the nation. He must be defeated.

In Vietnam, we took a hill and defeated the enemy; then we retreated and let the enemy take over.

It was never the act itself but our own understanding of it that defeated us, over and over again.

Again and again I will suffer; again and again I will get back on my feet. I will not be defeated.

It was one thing to go into battle with confidence, another to believe the foe so easily defeated.

...the temptation, which consisted of a single word written on the cemetary of the defeated: Sleep.

This is the unusual thing about nonviolence -- nobody is defeated, everybody shares in the victory.

Faith is always at a disadvantage; it is a perpetually defeated thing which survives all conquerors.

You can be defeated by life's unavoidable disappointments, or you can become stronger because of them.

Everything is divisible. And so is this colossus of U.S. imperialism. It can be split up and defeated.

If I couldn't do it, then I'd be defeated. I've got the tools to do it. I never did question my tools.

Anne Elliot was the one Jane Austen character I didn't fall in love with. She seemed sad and defeated.

If you never take a chance, you will never be defeated - but you will never accomplish anything either.

The State thrives on war - unless, of course, it is defeated and crushed - expands on it, glories in it.

The possibility exists that the Kochs will walk away with even more power if [Donalds] Trump's defeated.

I know what it's like to feel marginalized and defeated and humiliated by suffering from a mental illness.

I have defeated this earthworm with my words. Imagine what I would have done with my fire breathing fists.

Letters had always defeated distance, but with the coming of e-mail, time seemed to be vanquished as well.

If Mitt Romney had got the percentage Ronald Reagan did of Hispanics, he would have defeated Barack Obama.

We have defeated Saddam Hussein and Iraq. The good news is Iraq is ours, and the bad news is Iraq is ours.

I think I'm the last Democrat left in the Senate after Russ Feingold was defeated that won't take earmarks.

If you don't have the confidence, that's half the battle. You're going to be defeated before you even start.

I don't want you to feel defeated, like, 'Oh boy, why do you do this to me?' We have too many of those songs.

Defeat doesn't finish a man, quit does. A man is not finished when he's defeated. He's finished when he quits.

There is no need to feel defeated at 40, 50 or 60. I'm having the greatest time in the second half of my life.

We have real enemies in the world. These enemies must be found. They must be pursued and they must be defeated.

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.

Writing fiction is... an endless and always defeated effort to capture some quality of life without killing it.

It would be great to play in a Scotland side that defeated England. That could be another box ticked off for me.

It turns out that there is nothing so 'ex' as an ex-politician, especially a defeated one. Your phone goes dead.

The Placer is an enemy who must necessarily become our lord or our slave; one doesn't enjoy if it's not defeated.

Don't follow a defeated foe. Follow Christ. It is costly. You will be an exile in this age. But you will be free.

Let us not be defeated by the tyranny of the world financial markets that threaten peace and democracy everywhere.

A defeated nation is always explaining itself. That's why the best storytellers are always from vanquished nations.

Tyrannies are overthrown by ideas. Armies are defeated by ideas. Nations, and Time itself, are overmatched by ideas.

The Afghans did not have sophisticated weapons like the Soviets did, but with their faith they defeated a superpower.

I've met quadriplegics who have lost the use of their limbs but not their spirit. They are not dark, defeated people.

If we see only the problems, we will be defeated; but if we see the possibilities in the problems, we can have victory.

Women will always put persons above ideas ... and so they'll always be defeated. Persons die, and ideas rule the world.

A general who allows himself to be decisively defeated in an extended mountain position deserves to be court-martialled.

If I allow the fact that I am a Negro to checkmate my will to do, now, I will inevitably form the habit of being defeated.

President Lincoln chose to fight a bloody and unpopular war because he believed the enemy had to be defeated. He was right.

The Palestinians must be made to understand in the deepest recesses of their consciousness that they are a defeated people.

You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed or unworthy. You were created to be victorious.

Muslims cannot be defeated by others. We Muslims are not defeated by our enemies, but instead, we are defeated by our own selves.

ISIS have to be defeated. They have to be defeated militarily. How are we going to do that if we continue to weaken our military?

I think that in order to be a film director, one has to be a warrior who shouldn't be defeated by the daily onslaught of problems.

We are in a struggle against the forces of radical Islam and terror, which must be defeated for our children and our grandchildren.

You can't call ISIS the JV team. You can't say that they're contained. Sure, we've had some success, but we have not defeated them.

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