People are all alike in their promises. It is only in their deeds that they differ.

Like threads of silver seen through crystal beads Let love through good deeds show.

If you set out to do a good deed, you may do a hundred small kindnesses on the way.

This is the course of every evil deed, that, propagating still it brings forth evil.

Had but my deeds been like my words, ah, then I had been numbered too with holy men.

Base not your joy on the deeds of others. For what has been given can be taken away.

What do you think, would not one tiny crime be wiped out by thousands of good deeds?

It is not deeds or acts that last: it is the written record of those deeds and acts.

A sign that your good deed has been accepted is that you do more good deeds after it.

One mighty deed can change the course of things; a lonely thought becomes omnipotent.

Here is he laid to whom for daring deed, nor friend nor foe could render worthy meed.

Our deeds still travel with us from afar, and what we have been makes us what we are.

Mutual respect and mutual listening are the foundations of harmony within the family.

Man is responsible not only for every deed, but also for every idle word and thought.

It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.

He is a friend who, in dubious circumstances, aids in deeds when deeds are necessary.

Writing may be either the record of a deed or a deed. It is nobler when it is a deed.

The noblest deeds are well enough set forth in simple language; emphasis spoils them.

Sufficient to say, greed is a deadly deed. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.

Kind words and good deeds are eternal. You never know where their influence will end.

True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.

Judge me by my deeds, though they are few, rather than my words, though they are many.

By mutual confidence and mutual aid - great deeds are done, and great discoveries made

If you correct your hidden deeds subsequently, Allaah will correct your outward deeds.

Love is the source of every virtue in you and of every deed which deserves punishment.

Turn yourself not away from three best things: Good Thought, Good Word, and Good Deed.

Of course, we do the righteous deed because of our redemption, not for our redemption.

In all our deeds, the proper value and respect for time determines success or failure.

And the deeds that ye do upon this earth, it is for fellowship's sake that ye do them.

My words, thoughts and deeds have a boomerang effect. So be-careful what you send out!

It was not the path I was to take. Because of my deeds, I will never know peace again.

Hot blood begets hot thoughts, And hot thoughts beget Hot deeds, And hot deeds is love.

Maybe this was how you stayed sane in wartime: a handful of noble deeds amid the chaos.

The last temptation is the greatest treason: to do the right deed for the wrong reason.

Be prepared, and be careful not to do your good deeds when there's no one watching you.

High descent and meritorious deeds, unless united to wealth, are as useless as seaweed.

Surely there is no road of effort so steep but a loving deed may soften its hardshness.

Each thread of life that you leave, will spin around your deeds and dictate your needs.

Often even a whole city suffers for a bad man who sins and contrives presumptuous deeds.

Remember that it is not by a tyrant's words, but only by his deeds that we can know him.

From the body of one guilty deed a thousand ghostly fears and haunting thoughts proceed.

Giving alms is only a virtuous deed when you give money that you yourself worked to get.

Talking isn't doing. It is a kind of good deed to say well; and yet words are not deeds.

Love manifests its reality in deeds, not only in words - these alone are without effect.

I am much more afraid of my good deeds that please me than of my bad deeds that repel me.

May I not come before You with empty hands, since we are rewarded according to our deeds.

The more completely we give of ourselves, the more completely the world gives back to us.

Our worth is determined by the good deed we do, rather than by the fine emotions we feel.

Lofty words cannot construct an alliance or maintain it; only concrete deeds can do that.

Somehow, what's in our hearts, good or bad is eventually translated into words and deeds.

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