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I am dedicated to ensuring that the prosperity our city is experiencing extends to everyone who lives, works and visits Portland.
I am not a politician but I have dedicated the biggest part of my professional life to economic policy both in Greece and Europe.
There is a Twitter account apparently dedicated to my brows. I do not Tweet on it, but... they talk about who they've seen today.
KPMG is committed to the highest standards of professionalism, , and quality, and we are dedicated to the capital markets we serve.
Mainers are hardworking, resourceful and resilient, too, but also deeply dedicated to each other and to taking care of one another.
From the first moment of independence, the United States has been dedicated to innovation as a way of government and a way of life.
Nobody under the sun was like Madonna. She was positive and clear and wholly dedicated to achieving everything that she's achieved.
There are dedicated actors and there are people now who only stay famous for putting on weight, losing it, then putting it on again.
We have real enemies, dedicated to dominating and eventually destroying us, and they are not going to be talked out of their hatred.
My songs are my babies and I am protective about them, especially 'Main Rahoon Ya Na Rahoon' since I dedicated it to my grandfather.
I've dedicated my life to public service, and I feel it's still a noble profession. However, I also understand it's a contact sport.
I like having the digital camera on my smart phone, but I also like having a dedicated camera for when I want to take real pictures.
I've dedicated more than 15 years to this theater and television thing; I want to spend the next 10, 15 years or so devoted to music.
Working with Janhvi is great. She has the best energy on set. She brings smiles on people's faces. She is very dedicated and sincere.
The Sandinistas are dedicated Communists, and if they are going to make a compromise with democracy, it's going to be under pressure.
I feel good to work with Kumble bhai. He is a well-read person and a dedicated coach. I also like his aggressive approach to the game.
I have dedicated my life to answering the great scientific questions of our time and to the incredible adventure of space exploration.
Of course, Google specializes in coming up with ideas, professes the highest ideals, and is dedicated to solving the world's problems.
Under certain circumstances there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.
If you look at the way I dress and my personality, you would immediately recognize that I'm dedicated to Punjabi TV and movie industry.
It's amazing that Sky is the only place that has two dedicated arts channels. The BBC is doing very well... but why don't they do more?
At the height of his popularity in 1977, Cat Stevens converted to Islam and dedicated his life to educational and philanthropic causes.
For us, conservation work isn't just what we do. It's who we are. It's really defined us that this is what we've dedicated our lives to.
We all should respect Chris Stevens, who dedicated his life to trying to improve relations between the Arab world and the western world.
I feel very strongly that the country needs dedicated people who have passion... rather than those who are in politics only for a career.
From chain gangs to folk songs to intelligent soul, America has created musicians dedicated to truth, justice, and a better American Way.
The organizer dedicated to changing the life of a particular community must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community.
To get Congress working again, I'm dedicated to working with anyone who has an open mind, good ideas, and a willingness to work together.
From my time at the CIA to my time in the House, I've dedicated my career to protecting our democracy and ensuring it works for all of us.
I am dedicated to making sure Social Security will be there for future generations and have written legislation to strengthen the program.
I didn't practise it loads when I was at the academy in Spain, but when I got on the ATP Tour it's something I dedicated a lot of time to.
My philosophy - inclusive and pluralist Islam, dedicated to service to human beings from every faith - is antithetical to armed rebellion.
There's an old guard of drag, like the queens who got as big as they could possibly get before there was a TV show dedicated to drag queens.
Do I miss the darts? No, not at all. It has been great not to get up in the morning and have to be dedicated anymore. That is the best part.
We had such a dedicated and interested audience that they provided the opportunity to do cool new things - and we like doing cool new things.
I discovered early that as an artist there was absolutely nothing wrong with being surrounded by people who were not dedicated to your field.
Dartmouth is such a special college with its rich history, dedicated student body, and, as I've been learning more recently, colorful customs.
Every day has to be a day that counts. It can't be a wasted day. I'm very dedicated to always keep doing something that I would consider good.
I think it's fascinating that there's a whole holiday dedicated to things that we fear and that's so interesting about the nature of humanity.
As someone who is a dedicated fan of the NHS, I'm extremely worried, I think its a very precious thing that needs to be nurtured, looked after.
Your job, what you do every day, I think it takes a high priority over anything. That was something I dedicated myself to throughout my career.
Gun Owners of America is a lobby group dedicated to the proposition that the National Rifle Association is a bunch of accommodationist sissies.
I just love listening to music and talking about it, so my social media is mostly dedicated to talking about songs and stuff that interests me.
Along the way, we have had some wonderful adventures and have met thousands of dedicated fans - indeed, many of them feel like family to us now.
There's a lot of real estate in our brain dedicated to facial recognition and to physics. That takes a lot of processing power out of our brain.
I have been in more classrooms than any legislator will ever walk into in their lives, and I see wonderful, caring, dedicated teaching out there.
I want to develop a championship culture that's filled with high-character people that are dedicated to becoming the best versions of themselves.
I just think it's super amazing that the U.K. fans are so dedicated and loving. I love them, and being with them in person is an amazing feeling.
I never expected my sons to make a career out of cinema. If they are honest and dedicated in their profession, no doubt success would follow them.
I want my legacy to be, wow she was a woman that really cared about others and dedicated her life to make sure that this world was a better world.