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Colbert makes me crazy: he's so funny. Plus, he seems like an extraordinarily decent dude.
Our culture is in moral chaos. On TV we celebrate freaks instead of honest, decent people.
The defenders of decent society and the disciples of degeneracy are often the same people.
Felipe Anderson's got a good engine, pace, skill, passing ability and a decent shot on him.
Mark Hughes played until he was nearly 40 at a decent level, and I think I can do the same.
If you look at my résumé, I've more often than not played a very solid, decent human being.
I have known Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla for a long time. He is a good man. He is a decent man.
You weren't a decent man and you didn't do your best. We none of us were and none of us did.
There are people who don't understand some of the core aspects of being a decent human being.
Pennsylvania is home to some of the hardest-working, toughest, most decent people in America.
There must be a major economic recovery package which puts Americans to work at decent wages.
Everyone at United made me really feel at home. They are decent lads at United - all of them.
Congress is full of good, decent, smart people who have devoted their lives to public service.
For generations, even many otherwise decent white Southerners learned to despise black people.
She just got out of the hospital. Why don't you go gossip behind her back, like decent people?
I used to play lots of sports. I used to be a good tennis player. I used to be a decent golfer.
I really don't care with whom you sleep. I just care what kind of a decent human being you are.
Respectable means rich, and decent means poor. I should die if I heard my family called decent.
I think it's rational to assume the best in other people because most people are pretty decent.
The public has always expected me to be a playboy, and a decent chap never lets his public down.
What I say is that, if a fellow really likes potatoes, he must be a pretty decent sort of fellow.
Creepy people do the things that decent people want to do, but have decided are not a great idea.
It's a sad and stupid thing to have to proclaim yourself a revolutionary just to be a decent man.
A decent beard has long been the number one must-have fashion item for any fugitive from justice.
When you have told anyone you have left him a legacy, the only decent thing to do is die at once.
I started as a guitarist and couldn't find a decent singer, so I started providing my own vocals.
We fight terrorism. It threatens our sovereign, democratic, compassionate and decent way of life.
Ours is a stable country. Ours is a sensible country. And ours is a fundamentally decent country.
I think I've got a decent imagination. I hope some of my stories inspire other young imaginations.
Part of the reason a hit show is a hit show is because of the people - good, solid, decent people.
Although I'm not fluent in sign language by a long way, I could have a fairly decent conversation.
And I have been able to establish this sort of decent reputation as being a decent character actor.
Almost any decent cook will make food by eye and taste. Virtually all of my family cooked that way.
The definition of indecent – when it’s in long, and it’s in hard, and it’s in deep – it’s in decent.
Being a son to the greatest parents of all is up there with hopefully being a decent friend to some.
The destiny of world civilization depends upon providing a decent standard of living for all mankind.
I want a society that provides decent jobs for those who can work and decent security for those can't.
When you've told someone that you've left them a legacy the only decent thing to do is to die at once.
I always tell people I'm not one of these guys that was, like, born with, like, a halfway decent body.
I think my characters are all fairly fundamentally decent, even if they have negative characteristics.
You can't have a decent food culture without a decent coffee culture: the two things grow up together.
My dad was actually my first mentor. Decent man, hard-working man, never missed a day of work plumber.
I think I was a decent actor, but it took a lot of work for me to make a choice on how to read a line.
We need all races of men, and decent women, to stand up for what's right, drop anger, and live upright.
Learning to shoot firearms to me is a little like driving stick - it seems like a decent skill to have.
John Cena is like the 2010 version of Bret Hart. Fans see him as a real decent, upstanding human being.
Calm self-confidence is as far from conceit as the desire to earn a decent living is remote from greed.
Rahul Gandhi is very idealistic and a very decent human being. He has real concerns for the downtrodden.
It's great if you're funny or if you can dance, but if you are kind and decent, it comes out your pores.
I think if I weren't an actress, I might have made a halfway decent attorney! I like the way they think.