I don't watch football debate shows on TV, hardly listen to the radio or read the papers.

The Democrats' response throughout the healthcare debate? Give the people more statistics.

But for labor groups, there is no debate: Nafta hurt American jobs and household earnings.

I don't believe that using inflammatory rhetoric on either side of a debate is productive.

Donald Trump doesn't like to debate and knows in his heart of hearts he isn't great at it.

See that's a goal that I think it's very good in the debate to find out who the person is.

Debate and discussions strengthen democracy but violence during protests weaken democracy.

My statements aren't incomplete, they're just in-progress. It's a debate and a discussion.

It's time to debate images, especially when someone's going to prison for downloading them.

For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate.

Michael Jackson fundamentally altered the terms of the debate about African American music.

I've done some moderating in the past at CBSSports.com. Certainly not in the debate format.

I negotiated the proper timing and other things having to do with one of our other debates.

I like movies that leave you with something to think about, to discuss, to debate, you know?

I didn't finish high school but I feel like if I was in college I could debate with anybody.

The most important event I covered was the Panama Canal debate, which dragged on for months.

I think debate is good. Everyone has an opinion, and it's definitely healthy to voice those.

There is much debate in the scientific community as to the precise sources of global warming.

The one state/two state debate is irrelevant as Israel and the US consolidate Greater Israel.

The debate between the cloud and on-premise is largely dead. The cloud has become mainstream.

Squelching debate by branding it un-American is dishonest, dangerous, and, in itself, hateful.

I don't think it's such a bad thing to have internal debate between coach and leading players.

Wit has its place in debate; in controversy it is a legitimate weapon, offensive and defensive.

I'm a fan of robust debate, and I'm not averse to engaging in the odd ad hominem attack myself.

You know what 'DOUBT' stands for? It stands for 'Debate On Understanding Bewildersome Thoughts.'

In a lifetime of observing and participating in political debate, I have seen a lot of meanness.

It's funny when people debate about music, because they get so passionate about what they enjoy.

We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity.

Information, usually seen as the precondition of debate, is better understood as its by-product.

When you get back control of your country, you get proper democracy. You get back proper debate.

Debate is healthy and no one in this chamber - starting with me - has a monopoly on being right.

I took the Canal Zone and let Congress debate; and while the debate goes on, the canal does also.

There is some debate in professional circles about whether the so-called “midlife crisis” exists.

Mental health is often missing from public health debates even though it's critical to wellbeing.

Decentralisation is controversial - but that's fine. We should be fearless about having a debate.

The moment that one person in an argument claims to be God, dialogue and debate become impossible.

We need a sweeping debate about ethics, boundaries, and regulation for location data technologies.

There are gonna be a core set of values that shouldn't be up for debate. Should be our north star.

Religion enabled society to organise itself to debate goodness, just as Greek drama had once done.

I think the thing that the American people want is for the divisive debate on health care to stop.

Multiculturalism isn't just a buzzword; it's not just something to debate - I am multiculturalism.

I think the debate in our society now is that people have to agree on zero-tolerance to terrorism.

Good directors don't answer questions with their work. They generate debate and create discussion.

If you listen to the debate, [Barack Obama] and [John] McCain said the same thing about gay rights.

It's great that Trump has engendered a heated debate over illegal immigration and our open borders.

It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.

Nepotism is an overrated debate. It exists everywhere and I have been telling this from the day one.

Ah, yes, my social life — a series of encounters where we briefly debate who is in the greater rush.

In 1960, John F. Kennedy rode a superior televised debate performance to victory over Richard Nixon.

I think it's really unfortunate that academics have been sidelined in most important policy debates.

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