Your ego can become an obstacle to your work. If you start believing in your greatness, it is the death of your creativity.

To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent.

That is the gods' work, spinning threads of death through the lives of mortal men, an all to make a song for those to come.

I tell people I'm too stupid to know what's impossible. I have ridiculously large dreams, and half the time they come true.

Death is acceptable only if it represents the physically necessary passage toward a union, the condition of a metamorphosis.

Life is hard. Then you die. Then they throw dirt in your face. Then the worms eat you. Be grateful it happens in that order.

Death a friend that alone can bring the peace his treasures cannot purchase, and remove the pain his physicians cannot cure.

He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it.

I pray-for fashion's word is out And prayer comes round again- That I may seem, though I die old, A foolish, passionate man.

A fiction about soft or easy deaths is part of the mythology of most diseases that are not considered shameful or demeaning.

After my death, the molecules of my being will return to the earth and the sky. They came from the stars. I am of the stars.

You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.

The dreariest spot in all the land to Death they set apart; with scanty grace from Nature's hand, and none from that of Art.

What do you have in mind - inhumement, entombment, inurnment, interment? Some people lately just prefer in-sarcophogus-ment.

My dreams were all my own; I accounted for them to nobody; they were my refuge when annoyed - my dearest pleasure when free.

The annoying thing about being an atheist is that you'll never have the satifaction of saying to believers, 'I told you so.'

Be not as one that hath ten thousand years to live; death is nigh at hand: while thou livest, while thou hast time, be good.

Paradise is not somewhere else... it is within you. And it is not in some other time, after death... It is in you right now.

There isn't an aspect of book creation I don't enjoy, and there has always been a book in my life to dream about or work on.

Success is like death. The more successful you become, the higher the houses in the hills get and the higher the fences get.

Well, we're all dying in increments. I don't mind people knowing what I look like, but I don't want them thinking I'm dying.

Only in death will we have our own names since only in death are we no longer part of the effort. In death we become heroes.

I like to look on the bright side: Every day I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've stayed alive.

Engage in combat fully determined to die and you will be alive; wish to survive in the battle and you will surely meet death.

Do you see O my brothers and sisters? It is not chaos or death, it is form, union, plan, it is eternal life, it is happiness.

The safest course is to do nothing against one's conscience. With this secret, we can enjoy life and have no fear from death.

No Christian is abandoned at the moment of death. The angels are the ushers, and our passage to heaven is under their escort.

They say such nice things about people at their funerals that it makes me sad that I'm going to miss mine by just a few days.

The Dead are like the stars by day; Withdrawn from mortal eye, But not extinct, they hold their way In glory through the sky.

I don't know what's waiting for us when we die--something better, something worse. I only know I'm not ready to find out yet.

The death clock is ticking slowly in our breast, and each drop of blood measures its time, and our life is a lingering fever.

On limestone quarried near the spot By his command these words are cut: Cast a cold eye On life, on death. Horseman, pass by!

It is possible to provide security against other ills, but as far as death is concerned, we men live in a city without walls.

['American Dream' will be released] probably never.Never in the United States because there's no room for independent cinema.

A truly appreciative child will break, lose, spoil, or fondle to death any really successful gift within a matter of minutes.

A human act once set in motion flows on forever to the great account. Our deathlessness is in what we do, not in what we are.

Dreams do come true, if we only wish hard enough, You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.

A direful death indeed they had That would put any parent mad But she was more than usual calm She did not give a singel dam.

I don't myself believe that, even when we fulfil our minimum obligation not to cause pain, we have the right to kill animals.

What if nothing exists and we're all in somebody's dream? Or what's worse, what if only that fat guy in the third row exists?

Old elephants limp off to the hills to die; old Americans go out to the highway and drive themselves to death with huge cars.

An orphan's curse would drag to hell, a spirit from on high; but oh! more horrible than that, is a curse in a dead man's eye!

A country that relies on aid? Death is better than that. It stops you from achieving your potential, just as colonialism did.

No one can obtain from the Pope a dispensation for never dying. [Lat., Nemo impetrare potest a papa bullam numquam moriendi.]

Gather ye rose-buds while ye may, Old Time is still a flying: And this same flower that smiles to day, Tomorrow will be dying.

Even the loveliest dream bears like a blemish its difference from reality, the awareness that what it grants is mere illusion.

I depart from life as from an inn, and not as from my home. [Lat., Ex vita discedo, tanquam ex hospitio, non tanquam ex domo.]

I shall ask for the abolition for the punishment of death until I have the infallibility of human judgment demonstrated to me.

Anyway, to cut off one's biological dreams seems to me the most fundamental form of psychic castration that you could imagine.

You hear a lot of dialogue on the death of the American family. Families aren't dying. They're merging into big conglomerates.

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