My life is in denial. And when I die, baptized in eternal fire, I'll shed many tears.

Striving toward a goal puts a more pleasing construction on our advance toward death.

Even the bold will fly when they see Death drawing in close enough to end their life.

Every tiny part of us cries out against the idea of dying, and hopes to live forever.

I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing.

It's death, that's what I'm suffering from. The systematic encroachment of the big D.

There are many who dare not kill themselves for fear of what the neighbours will say.

Death is the easiest of all things after it, and the hardest of all things before it.

All that tread, the globe are but a handful to the tribes, that slumber in its bosom.

Life is the jailer, death the angel sent to draw the unwilling bolts and set us free.

You only live twice. Once when you are born and once when you look death in the face.

Death is the last enemy: once we've got past that I think everything will be alright.

You should always go to other people's funerals, otherwise, they won't come to yours.

Focus more on your desire than on your doubt, and the dream will take care of itself.

There is no death. The thing that we call death Is but another, sadder name for life.

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.

Life and death. They are somehow sweetly and beautifully mixed, but I don't know how.

My sole defense against the natural horror which death inspires is to love beyond it.

It is the doctors who desert the dying and there is so much to be learned about pain.

Finality is death. Perfection is finality. Nothing is perfect. There are lumps in it.

Some guys they just give up living, and start dying little by little, piece by piece.

Optimists and pessimists die the exact same death, but they live very different lives!

Judge Samuel Alito's accomplishments in life are the embodiment of the American dream.

It's very difficult to follow our dreams, but it's even more difficult to forget them.

Don't ever think it's too late for you or that you're too old to dream and have goals.

When I have fears that I may ceace to be, Before my pen has gleaned my teaming brain".

And what is so intricate, so entangling as death? Who ever got out of a winding sheet?

Only when a tree has fallen can you take the measure of it. It is the same with a man.

Embrace your death. . . . Cherish your awareness of death as a gift from the universe.

...The task is overwhelming, and the chance is slight. We must take the chance or die.

We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.

For days after death hair and fingernails continue to grow, but phone calls taper off.

The last to be overcome is death, and the knowledge of life is the knowledge of death.

I'm not afraid of death. It's the stake one puts up in order to play the game of life.

Take the goods the gods provide, and don't stand and sulk when they are snatched away.

Trust to a plank, draw precarious breath, At most seven inches from the jaws of death.

Death is half disarmed when the pleasures and interests of the flesh are first denied.

It's only in drugs or death we'll see anything new, and death is just too controlling.

Thou know'st 'tis common; all that lives must die, Passing through nature to eternity.

We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it.

Soldiers are citizens of death's grey land, drawing no dividend from time's tomorrows.

One of the fathers saith . . . that old men go to death, and death comes to young men.

Having seen and felt the end, you have willed the means to the realization of the end.

The wise are unaffected either by death or life. These are but faces of the same coin.

Eternity is not something that begins after you are dead. It is going on all the time.

When I am dead, I hope it may be said: His sins were scarlet, but his books were read.

Optimism generates hope...hope releases dreams...dreams set goals...enthusiasm follows

Keep Looking Up was my life's admonition, I can do little else in my present position.

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.

Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second.

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