Mendacity is a system that we live in. Liquor is one way out an death's the other.

When death comes it is never our tenderness that we repent from, but our severity.

Death in itself is nothing; but we fear to be we know not what, we know not where.

Always read something that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it.

If no one knows when a person is going to die, how can we say he died prematurely?

The dust to which this flesh shall return, it is the ancient dreaming dust of God.

Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed. Teach me to die.

When someone you know passes on, the only thing you can do is keep moving forward.

Woe, destruction, ruin, and decay; the worst is death and death will have his day.

Death is just another stage of life, although the one you kind of hope comes last.

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal.

You can't reconcile being pro-life on abortion and pro-death on the death penalty.

I hope and trust to meet you in Heaven, both white and black-both white and black.

A samurai should always be prepared for death - whether his own or someone else's.

Life is a great sunrise. I do not see why death should not be an even greater one.

To die with glory, if one has to die at all, is still, I think, pain for the dier.

We trouble our life by thoughts about death, and our death by thoughts about life.

When I was a kid I used to want to be a Beethoven or something. That was my dream.

Why do we kill people who are killing people to show that killing people is wrong?

When I die throw my body in the back and drive me to the junk yard in my Cadillac.

The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is a duty of the living to do so for them.

To bring into the world an unwanted human being is as antisocial an act as murder.

Those only can thoroughly feel the meaning of death who know what is perfect love.

If you spend too long trying to avoid death, you will be dead in at least one way.

Death is always around the corner, but often our society gives it inordinate help.

Old men must die, or the world would grow mouldy, would only breed the past again.

Each man should frame life so that at some future hour fact and his dreaming meet.

All trials are trials for one's life, just as all sentences are sentences of death.

I know not what others may choose but, as for me, give me liberty or give me death.

For me to see the film [Dream of Life] on a big screen - it's pretty extraordinary.

Every man must do two things alone; he must do his own believing and his own dying.

I am long on ideas, but short on time. I expect to live to be only about a hundred.

Ah, Lord Jesus! I never knew Your love till I understood the meaning of Your death.

Do not go gentle into the good night. Old age should burn and rage at close of day.

I have lost friends, some by death...others by sheer inability to cross the street.

At the end of our life our questions are simple: Did I live fully? Did I love well?

A man does not die of love or his liver or even of old age; he dies of being a man.

Death is a dramatic accomplishment of absence; language may be almost as effective.

Someone has to die in order that the rest of should value life more. It's contrast.

Every parting gives a foretaste of death, every reunion a hint of the resurrection.

If some persons died, and others did not die, death would be a terrible affliction.

You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.

Never but the one matter. The dead and gone. The dying and going. From the word go.

Friends... they cherish one another's hopes. They are kind to one another's dreams.

It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.

A garden is always a series of losses set against a few triumphs, like life itself.

Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.

Thus all things altered. Nothing dies. And here and there the unbodied spirit flies.

I believe in the immortality of the soul because I have within me immortal longings.

Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.

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