Ronaldo used to be my neighbour, and he passed my house every day. We always greeted each other.

Every day, you reinvent yourself. You're always in motion. But you decide every day: forward or backward.

Well, as you know, there are 24 hours in every day. And if that's not enough, you've always got the nights!

I have always said that, more than 'big bang' reforms, it is every day what is happening, changing on the ground.

I've always thought that travelling every day as a journalist on the Tour's got to be harder than actually racing.

I'm intimidated every day I go on the stage and everyday I go on a movie set. It's terrifying and I always want to reshoot the first day or the first week, I'm so terrified.

I think what happens when you are prime minister is no day is the same and every day you are under pressure. And there is always so much happening that the days just flash by and flash into weeks.

I like a basic uniform for guys. Steve Jobs is my fashion icon, because he wears the same outfit every day. If you always wear the same thing, you make a statement. Then put a bow tie on and really stand out.

It was really unusual to go from being in university for four years to all of a sudden acting every day. I'd never been able to do it exclusively like that. It was always sort of like my secret thing that I did privately.

Millions of guys play millions of basketball games every day of the week at the playground or the YMCA. But LeBron James gets $20 million a year because he can jam on all of those guys. We're always going to want to see LeBron and Kobe go at it.

We go to the office every day when we're writing - or supposed to be writing. It's not always productive, and there's a lot of procrastinating, just staring at the wall, like any other writing. But we just make ourselves go to the office every day for more or less the whole day.

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