Dearest darling, how I love you. Words cannot tell how much I love you. So forget it.

I have been in a lot of movies, but none of them are critics' darlings, you might say.

If I have to do my tax online, the government should pay for my Internet hook-up, darling.

Writers in Britain aren't really celebrities. You become kind of a darling of a small set.

Oh, darling, you will be good to me, won’t you? Because we’re going to have a strange life.

Most arguments with teenagers are setups. Your darling, simply stated, is manipulating you.

I always think I'm the Tom Cruise of music - a lot of success and fans, but no critics, darling.

Oh, Teddy, darling, thank you, thank you, for restoring my cynicism. I was too young to lose it.

I'm not a media darling. I'm not on the cover of all these magazines. I just quietly do my thing.

- No, no... She shook her head for emphasis. No. His lips twitched. - One 'no' is enough, darling.

But if you're gonna dine with them cannibals Sooner or later, darling, you're gonna get eaten . . .

Dance, my darling dance! If you dance then death can't catch you! Nothing bad can touch you! Dance!

In a maturing market it's not advisable to be always everybody's darling, because you get too thin.

I'll only work if something delicious comes along or if a darling friend asks me to flutter my wings.

Oh, those women! They nurse and cuddle their presentiments, and make darlings of their ugliest thoughts.

Before 'Fringe' I was in 'Dirty Sexy Money' playing Jeremy Darling who was this bratty New York socialite.

Elisha Cook was a darling, and full of the devil. A wired - up little fellow who was always busy, busy, busy.

The first years in Parliament I did nothing - nothing to any purpose. My own distinction was my darling object.

There's a style to doing period pieces, and you can't do a Western without understanding 'My Darling Clementine.'

My Constanze is the virtuous, honourable, discreet, and faithful darling of her honest and kindly-disposed Mozart.

I am playing Elvis Presley in 'Hello Darling.' The project is really exciting for me because I get to play my idol.

That was the day that I promised I'd never sing of love that does not exist. but darling, You are the only exception

I learned a lesson I couldn't get from Harvard. I'm not no media darling. I'm not the golden boy; not that I ever was.

You don’t know the meaning of moderation, do you, my darling? A happy medium is something I wonder if you’ll ever learn.

I love books with titles like, 'How Do You Spank a Porcupine?,' 'Arnie, the Darling Starling,' or 'The Bat in My Pocket.'

I don't think I'm marriage material, to tell you the truth. I'd be a bad choice. But I'd be darling at being a girlfriend.

Political correctness means nothing to me. Nothing. It's the new Puritanism, darling. Preventing us from expressing ourselves.

I've always said to my men friends, If you really care for me, darling, you will give me territory. Give me land, give me land.

It is that word 'hunny,' my darlings, that marks the first place in The House at Pooh Corner at which Tonstant Weader fwowed up.

You know what actors are like. You can sometimes be like, 'Darling, darling, we love each other,' but you don't really know them.

The tech rehearsal for Brits is so different. They have little glasses of wine and walk around saying, 'Lovely, darling, lovely.'

Darling: the popular form of address used in speaking to a member of the opposite sex whose name you cannot at the moment remember.

Darling, replied Valentine, has not the count just told us that all human wisdom was contained in these two words,- "Wait and hope"?

Art is the child of Nature; yes, her darling child, in whom we trace the features of the mother's face, her aspect and her attitude.

[On Bonnie Prince Charlie:] Oh, Charlie is my darling, / My darling, my darling; / Oh, Charlie is my darling, / The young Chevalier.

Money, ego, revenge and the seduction of being a media darling is pretty powerful stuff, and, John Bolton is proving he's not immune.

There will be a Jussie Smollett album. I signed to Columbia. So, darling, I'm label mates with Beyonce and Adele and Barbra Streisand.

If you look at my career, I have already proved that after a big action film like 'Chatrapati,' I could do a cool film like 'Darling.'

When you're away, I'm restless, lonely, wretched, bored, dejected; only here's the rub, my darling dear, I feel the same when you're near.

Actors can't retire. If actors retired, there would be nobody left to play old, wrinkly people. You have to keep going, darling - don't you?

I suppose when I started out I would have liked to have been the darling of critics or something, but everybody wants to be loved and admired.

For ages, I had this mullet until someone on the street stopped me and said, 'Darling, can I cut your hair for free? Because you look a bit weird.'

The joy of my heart is to 'study men, their manners, and their ways,' and for this darling object I cheerfully sacrifice every other consideration.

No, no," Mr. Darling always said, "I am responsible for it all. I, George Darling, did it. MEA CULPA, MEA CULPA." He had had a classical education.

Isn't life,' she stammered, 'isn't life--' But what life was she couldn't explain. No matter. He quite understood. 'Isn't it, darling?' said Laurie.

When you look at Darling and the Oscars, it has to be luck. It was a black and white film and it was the last time that there was a black and white Oscar.

'Pod' was a significantly larger crew with Ilium Pictures co-producing. 'Darling' was bare bones. We had less than half of the crew that we had for 'Pod.'

Darling, when you're as old as I am, you cherish the very few musicals that have come your way that you know are great classics. You become their guardian.

So I find the fascination, the love, the incredible skill and everything to do with acting, writing plays, and doing them, just darling. Lovely. I love actors.

I really swung between the extremes. From the danger of being ostracised by the society, I almost overnight found myself as virtually the darling of the millions.

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