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Being in an industry where money talks, everybody involved in the 'Dare To Dream' project came to a conclusion to sign it to Interscope.
Christopher Hitchens was a wit, a charmer, and a troublemaker, and to those who knew him well, he was a gift from - dare I say it - God.
I sometimes can't be bothered, dare I say, to spend a copious amount of time on my hair and my face before I go out into the public eye.
I would say to any artist: Don't be repressed in your work, dare to experiment, consider any urge, if in a new direction all the better.
Let must or if be damned with whomever's afraid down with ought with because with every brain which thinks it thinks, nor dares to feel.
I don't dare to think my paintings are great. I can't understand the arrogance of someone saying, 'I have created a big, important work.'
When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.
It's a question of prudence. Nobody has a high opinion of fishwives but who would dare offend them while walking through the fish market.
I've always gravitated towards the beats, obviously. And when I was growing up, I always loved funk music or even - dare I say it - disco.
There are not many companies in China that dare to say in public, 'We don't offer bribes', or companies that operate only by market rules.
It took me a long time to even dare to envision myself as a writer. I was very uncertain and hesitant and afraid to pursue a creative life.
Apple is to the United States government what Clarence Thomas was to the civil rights coalition. How dare you get this big sidestepping us.
You really dug your own grave,” he mutters. “And I’m going to bury you in it.” “Say that louder,” I tell him, under my breath. “I dare you.
Everything is possible to him who wills only what is true! Rest in Nature, study, know, then dare; dare to will, dare to act and be silent!
The choice is yours, brother. Live a thrall or die a king. Do you dare to fly? Unless you take the leap, you’ll never know." - Euron Greyjoy
I read 'Pushing the Limit' and 'Dare You To' by Katie McGarry. Fantastic stuff. I had never read young adult before, but now I'm a believer.
If a brand will shy away from you because you dare to say that black lives matter, that's probably not a brand you want to work with anyway.
I started to use music almost like a therapist, where it's like, everything that I don't really dare to say or speak about, I can sing about.
There is a part of your brain that has to stop when you're acting. You have to be in the moment and dare to fly. Words can't be on your mind.
Hope radiates outward from the center of our concerns. Hope dares us to stare the miraculous in the eye and have the courage not to look away.
In my family, I would never dare to think of being Paris Hilton! And to me, that doesn't look like a happy existence - it's just not who I am.
The secret is to write just anything, to dare to write just anything, because when you write just anything, you begin to say what is important.
Few professors would dare to publish research or teach a course debunking the claims made in various ethnic, gender, or other 'studies' courses.
This is a dream that I have been dreaming to live! From watching 'Double Dare' to hosting it! I am ready for a summer of slime and nose-picking.
One person, one vote sounds so reasonable and - dare I say it - democratic. But the voting process in America is anything but fair and balanced.
We must constantly dare ourselves in the small things, until courage becomes a habit of mind that will serve us when we are unexpectedly tested.
Now I have realized what the lie is. If I became a tsar, no one would ever dare to tell me a lie. I would have gotten the country under control.
The independent girl is a person before whose wrath only the most rash dare stand, and, they, it must be confessed, with much fear and trembling.
I'm no scientist, but I'll dare extrapolate and say that it's pretty obvious that the more you struggle to recall something, the smarter you are!
It is troublesome sometimes when people get up in your face in public, you know? And say, 'How could you, how dare you?' Well, they don't know me.
'Britain's Royal Families' became my first published book, in 1989, from The Bodley Head, and the rest of the story is - dare I say it? - history!
Geometry in every proposition speaks a language which experience never dares to utter; and indeed of which she but halfway comprehends the meaning.
The things that are done in the name of the shareholder are, to me, as terrifying as the things that are done - dare I say it - in the name of God.
You have to know your value, demand to be respected, speak your mind, and dare to ask for what you want. I struggle with every single one of these.
I always say, men's ankles are kind of like men's version of cleavage. That's what I think, because it's sexy. It shows, like, you dare to go there.
I have no formal proof, but I dare not believe that Jean-Marie Le Pen would treat me as collateral damage in the battle he is having with the party.
I'm as skeptical as anyone would be about celebrities and causes - and I will dare to say to you that I don't think of myself as a celebrity per se.
When I was twelve, I started reading Eudora Welty, Thomas Wolfe, Flannery O'Connor, James Agee, and - do we dare breathe the name - William Faulkner.
For an instant she felt his touch on her cheek then he stepped back. There that was my ration for all eternity. People have died for less I dare say.
American actors are all muscular, tanned, white teeth and they have this indestructible confidence. We British are all... Dare I say it? Pessimistic.
Few men would dare to read their own autobiography if all their deeds were recorded in it; few can look back upon their entire career without a blush.
I admire the assurance and confidence everyone has in himself, whereas there is hardly anything I am sure I know or that I dare give my word I can do.
Tis well when we dare not do a thing we think is not good and fair; but not so well when we think a thing not good and fair because we dare not do it.
It must have been so impossible to think about it and dare to do that, so they feel compassionate for her. I don't think the movie would work otherwise.
Volvo is like a mysterious, beautiful woman. We just look at her from far away, amazed. We don't dare get close to her. We're just a bunch of farm boys.
In the flush of love's light, we dare be brave. And suddenly we see that love costs all we are, and will ever be. Yet it is only love which sets us free.
It took the madmen of yesterday for us to be able to act with extreme clarity today. I want to be one of those madmen. We must dare to invent the future.
There be those who say that things and places have souls, and there be those who say they have not; I dare not say, myself, but I will tell of The Street.
They don't always use dwarfs, unfortunately. They shouldn't be allowed to do that! How dare they do 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' and not have dwarfs!
And what good is it to me that you're here now? Where where you twenty years ago, ten years ago? How dare you, how dare you come to me now, when I am this?