A wounded tiger is a dangerous beast.

He is mad, bad and dangerous to know.

Economics is a very dangerous science.

Opposition is dangerous to immortality.

Doin' nothing's a dangerous occupation.

Dangerous he who thinks it safe to die!

Klonopin is a horrible, dangerous drug.

It's a dangerous dog that doesn't bark.

It's a little dangerous to be a badass.

Nothing is as dangerous as a sure thing.

Wit is a dangerous talent in friendship.

The most dangerous food is wedding cake.

I think it's dangerous to be optimistic.

How dangerous a master human emotion is!

Education can, and should be, dangerous.

Nothing is more dangerous than solitude.

How dangerous can false reasoning prove!

To assess the damage is a dangerous act.


I think quotes are very dangerous things.

Money without brains is always dangerous.

Timidity can be as dangerous as rashness.

It is a dangerous thing to reform anyone.

When I grow up, I'd like to be dangerous.

Traitors are more dangerous than enemies.

Automobiles are dangerous as all get-out.

Without imagination, nothing is dangerous.

False hopes are more dangerous than fears.

A well-read woman is a dangerous creature.

It is dangerous to live in a secure world.

Familiarity makes the lion more dangerous.

Modern music is as dangerous as narcotics.

Racism is wrong, racism is very dangerous.

Truth, at the wrong time, can be dangerous.

Wise people say nothing in dangerous times.

It's fear that makes a situation dangerous.

Successful films are very dangerous things.

Some allies are more dangerous than enemies.

We live in very, very, very dangerous times.

[I]t's safer to be fond of dangerous people.

Getting typecast is a dangerous thing to do.

How dangerous emperors are when they go mad.

...Promises are more dangerous then secrets.

Power is dangerous unless you have humility.

Dangerous objects are glamorous places to be.

For true patriots to be silent, is dangerous.

[A] theory is a very dangerous thing to have.

Vanity is the most dangerous thing about fame.

Nothing's as dangerous as power with impunity.

It's a dangerous fire begins in the bed-straw.

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