Prayer is an end to isolation. It is living our daily life with someone; with him who alone can deliver us from solitude.

The entire debate around a 'No Deal' Brexit assigns a vastly overstated importance to the role of government in daily life.

What I hope is that politics shouldn't be dominated by the pro-Chinese elite; it should be related to everyone's daily life.

Prejudice is an assortment of deceptively small personal judgments - deceptive because of their great cost in our daily lives.

The production of children, the nurture of those born, and the daily life of men, of these matters woman is visibly the cause.

As one of the very few black historians who, from time to time, appears on TV, my daily life is a constant, open-air focus group.

I'm writing in English; I'm writing for a Western audience, but the people I'm surrounded by in my daily life are mostly non-white.

I know, my dear Watson, that you share my love of all that is bizarre and outside the conventions and humdrum routine of daily life.

We grew up on hip-hop, metal, and hard core, which... reflect a certain amount of the chaos and confusion that are part of daily life.

I never wanted to be a celebrity; I never wanted to be famous. And in my daily life, I work really hard to not trade on it in any way.

I meet people in my daily life, people who seem to experience some change and some growth on a personal level, and that gives me hope.

I felt the need to be more open and expressive of my feelings, not just about the hills and the countryside, but about the daily life.

We get to wear a lot of pretty and fancy clothes for our performances and videos, so in my daily life, I like to be really comfortable.

I don't really think about doing something kind, I think there's just a way to conduct your daily life with compassion to other people.

You come across quite ordinary, nondescript people in daily life, and I don't see why you should be subjected to them on the stage, too.

Letting ourselves down in some fashion is such an integral part of daily life that the paucity of literature on the subject is baffling.

Where can you look in your daily life and find ways to do it better, to be more thoughtful of the Earth, to be more thoughtful of people?

Sex? Unfortunately, as you get older - and I shouldn't admit this - there are other things that become more important in your daily life.

Sometimes, daily life doesn't match the high stakes that you feel! And I feel like that is wrestling. Wrestling actually makes sense to me.

Everyone in daily life carries such a heavy mixed burden on his own conscience that he is reluctant to penalize those who have been caught.

That's half of what we do our daily lives - we react to our surroundings. Of course, we have to make it entertaining, and we are entertainers.

The most appropriate type of daily life for me was a day-by-day world destruction; peace was the most difficult and abnormal state to live in.

My books cover many aspects of daily life through which your children will recognize their own relationships in their families and communities.

My money was stolen from me. I was eventually stripped of the ability to make even the most basic decisions... my daily life became unbearable.

Fitness is just like marriage: you cannot cheat on it and think it would benefit you. People need to incorporate it as part of their daily life.

t was almost disappointing because it seemed when stress and madness were eliminated from my daily life there wasn't much left you could depend on.

My point of view when I make a book or I make a movie is to see the humanistic point of view. The point of view of the daily life of normal people.

I'm totally Italian, but I'm not a diva. If you could see the way I'm dressed in daily life, that's not a diva. Appearances are so not important to me.

Sure, I acted in films in the Third Reich, entertainment films, which distracted countless people inside and outside Germany from daily life during war.

Everything that I was reading the New Testament - everything was applicable to daily life - trials and stuff I was going through, everything matched up.

We have reason not to be afraid of the machine, for there is always constructive change, the enemy of machines, making them change to fit new conditions.

If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches; for the Creator, there is no poverty.

If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work.

My eldest daughter Hiziya always makes fun of my German, and I laugh with her. I did not learn the language in school, but in my daily life, from other people.

Your ups and downs in sports, I think they are as normal as daily life: One day you wake up and feel great, the next day you wake up and feel maybe less great.

I really love fashion, but I feel like the older I get, the more I am drawn to the basic things in my daily life because everything else is so goofy and crazy.

I've never really played everyday people. I've played realist roles, but not mere daily life. There was always something incredible happening to my characters.

I do a lot of gay-friendly stuff in my show, and men, women, they all love it. I practice non-judgment in my daily life and hope other people do the same thing.

Music is a mysterious phenomenon - it seems both to magically overwhelm and sublimate our suffering, but also to starkly dignify the struggles of our daily life.

In traditional cities like Beijing, Nanjing, and Hangzhou, nature was a very important part of urban planning - not only as a landscape but a part of daily life.

In daily life what distinguishes the master is the using those materials he has, instead of looking about for what are more renowned, or what others have used well.

My hope is that 'Blk Girl Soldier' is a freedom song for black women today who are fighting the macro- and microaggressions of daily life in our city/country/world.

More and more of the world's population is gaining access to the same kind of computing power and connectivity that has transformed daily life for developed nations.

I may attempt a novel. I think that no matter what you write, it requires being honest with oneself, and you have to pull yourself out of the whirlwind of daily life.

How do you prevent attacks from becoming the very fabric of lived life in a city? Of course it's very easy to say you should be fearless and go about your daily life.

In my case, I make it clear to the brand that I'm not a salesman. I can show your product as if I use it every day in my daily life but I won't tell people to buy it.

My favorite diva is Dame Shirley Bassey from the U.K. I just love that every song she sings becomes crazy and intense with feeling. That's how I feel in my daily life.

It would be far to general a statement to try and describe the daily life of an actor in Hollywood, but I am quite certain that cappucinos have something to do with it.

Education is the sum total of one's experience, and the purpose of higher education is to widen our experiences beyond the circumscribed existence or our own daily lives.

If the attainment of peace is the ultimate objective of all statesmen, it is, at the same time, something very ordinary, closely tied to the daily life of each individual.

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