I have learned so much personally from wrestling, and it has really bled into my daily life.

It's hard in daily life. It's even harder in management because it's the stress of the moment.

Seek to cultivate a buoyant, joyous sense of the crowded kindnesses of God in your daily life.

I believe what matters are facts and behaviours in our daily life rather than formal gestures.

Early every morning an old woman goes to the market to curse a grocery clerk, who curses back.

We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life.

History is written by the victors. The victors in daily life tend to be those who live longest.

I’ve always been a sponge, just absorbing whatever I see, whether it’s in daily life or in art.

Your daily life is your temple and your religion. When you enter into it take with you your all.

The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.

We are storytelling animals, and cannot bear to acknowledge the ordinariness of our daily lives.

It's interesting, though, that in daily life, I think of myself as being relatively unobservant.

I personally have always found the Unitarian faith a source of comfort and help in my daily life.

We may not go about parroting truth and nonviolence and steering clear of them in our daily life.

My ambition was always to show aspects of daily life as if we were seeing them for the first time.

What features of your daily life do you expect to be improved by a further increase in population?

Since I personified the savage on the stage, I tried to be as civilized as possible in daily life.

Each activity of daily life in which we stretch ourselves on behalf of others is a prayer in action.

The ebb and flow of daily life can lead to wonderful highs, crushing lows, and everything in between.

Objects do not have meaning. But if an object is thoughtful we project meaning onto it in daily life.

We should make decisions in life with our hearts, not our brains, not only in music but in daily life.

When we do the hard, intimate work of friendship, we bring a little more of the divine into daily life.

The better men know the Lord, the better may the eternal truths we learn be applied in our daily lives.

I only knew about daily life. It was said, well, it isn't everybody's daily life. That is why I started.

What Americans expect from Washington is action that matches the urgency they feel in their daily lives.

We lack an educated, resilient citizenry capable of navigating the increasing complexities of daily life.

I watched 'Lagerfeld Confidential,' which was such an insight into the daily life of a maverick designer.

When I'm going about my daily life and not performing, I don't wear makeup so that I can let my skin rest.

The inspiration for my Vines comes from thinking about funny and relatable experiences from my daily life.

My heart is mysteriously alive in the world of sounds - a totally different dimension from the daily life.

Human beings have become so insensitive to daily life, they don't remember what happened five minutes back.

Who can really be faithful in great things if he has not learned to be faithful in the things of daily life?

Art-making was part of my daily life from a very young age, and I still love that kind of everyday art-making.

Like Mary, may we nurture the light born within us at Christmas. May we carry it everywhere in our daily lives.

Be orderly and disciplined in daily life, like a good bourgeois, so that I might be wild and violent in my art.

Subject the material world to the higher ends by understanding it in all its relations to daily life and action.

Human happiness comes not from infrequent pieces of good fortune, but from the small improvements to daily life.

I don't go to church much anymore, but Methodist values still wind me up and send me ticking into my daily life.

The marvels of daily life are exciting; no movie director can arrange the unexpected that you find in the street.

In my daily life, I tend to be very literal and unsuperstitious. But music gives me an outlet to be very emotional.

Our daily lives are so mundane, we get taken over by what is immediately in front of us and we don't see beyond that.

Daily life is governed by an economic system in which the production and consumption of insults tends to balance out.

I'm not an exhibitionist; I don't have a compulsion to share the ins and outs of my daily life with a public audience.

So, I never lose a sense of the whimsical and perilous charm of daily life, with its meetings and words and accidents.

Most of us harbour a significant amount of subconscious fear about death, and act out of this fear in our daily lives.

Familiarity so dulls the edge of perception as to make us least acquainted with things forming part of our daily life.

Somewhere there is an ancient enmity between our daily life and the great work. Help me in saying it, to understand it.

I want to show that drama doesn't lie only in blood and destroyed buildings but in daily life, in ordinary human beings.

Secret Services are everywhere. They are part of out daily life. We just don't really care. We are not concerned at all.

I wanted to go beyond the sentiments and needs of daily life to create a sense of wonder and find a new space for design.

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