I hate cynicism - it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere.

Never be a cynic, even a gentle one. Never help out a sneer, even at the devil.

Cynicism isn't smarter, it's only safer. There's nothing fluffy about optimism.

The cynic sees only cynicism, the depressive can taint creation with one glance

It seems to me that election season is just a Petri dish for anger and cynicism.

Caution and cynicism are safe, but soldiers don't want to follow cautious cynics.

Cynicism is no more mature than naïveté. You're no more mature, just more burned.

You have to try to dismiss the loudness of cynicism. It's certainly going to come.

It's all about the triumph of intellect and romance over brute force and cynicism.

Irony: Don't let yourself be controlled by it, especially during uncreative moments.

I am discovering that I can live far better without cynicism than I can without trust.

I think a lot of cynicism has dropped away from my shoulders since I stopped drinking.

We can destroy ourselves by cynicism and disillusion, just as effectively as by bombs.

It's a good time to be making movies, despite the cynicism people have about Hollywood.

My pessimism extends to the point of even suspecting the sincerity of other pessimists.

The greater part of the truth is always hidden, in regions out of the reach of cynicism.

All lies are told with a straight face. It is truth that's said with a dismissive giggle.

Anyone who does not understand the utter cynicism of politics does not understand politics.

You see, in this world there is one awful thing, and that is that everyone has his reasons.

The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.

the cynic is a coward. He foresees all barrenness so that barrenness can never surprise him.

Cynicism is intelectual dandyism, but graciousness in speech is an aphrodisiac. (Andy Spade)

I think that all the anger and cynicism comes from suppressing things that we always wanted.

Cynic, n: a blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be.

A cynic sees little to admire in the world, while the world sees even less to admire in him.

We will need to work hard to break the cynicism, talk straight and rebuild trust in politics.

I understand the concept of optimism. But I think with me what you get is a lack of cynicism.

We should celebrate when optimism and hard work triumph over cynicism, lethargy, and fatalism.

[Christianity] neither enjoins the nastiness of the Cynic, nor the insensibility of the Stoic.

It is part of the business of marketing to muddy the distinction between altruism and cynicism.

There's a lot of cynicism. Let's really enjoy Christmas, with all that's going on in the world.

It was lovely to see cynicism in one so young. It positively restored his faith in human nature.

The simplest act of surrealism is to walk out into the street, gun in hand, and shoot at random.

Oh, Teddy, darling, thank you, thank you, for restoring my cynicism. I was too young to lose it.

You will get cynicism, and the only way to break through is keep showing people and take actions.

Cynicism is cheap - you can buy it at any Monoprix store - it's built into all poor-quality goods.

The major motivation theories by which most men live can lead them only to depression and cynicism.

Cynicism is the easiest of all reactions, right? But it's also so disappointing and self-defeating.

It is cynicism and fear that freeze life; it is faith that thaws it out, releases it, sets it free.

Nevertheless, I resist cynicism and continue to believe in the possibilities for genuine democracy.

I'm riddled with cynicism. Whenever anyone says 'trust me,' the hairs go up on the back of my neck.

A superhero is someone who, at some point or in some way, inspires hope or is the enemy of cynicism.

After making several tragic movies in a row, I was looking to do a comedy, and one without cynicism.

I don't think you lead by pessimism and cynicism. I think you lead by optimism and enthusiasm and energy.

I think the most dangerous influence for a young writer is to be treated with cynicism or discouragement.

Cynics always say no. Saying yes leads to knowledge. So for as long as you have the strength to, say yes.

If you're sick and tired of the politics of cynicism and polls and principles, come and join this campaign.

Californians don't have that marvelous British cynicism, but then the British can be so patronizing at times.

Be positive, be positive. It's rough out there, but don't succumb. Don't succumb to the cynicism in the world.

I think I hate cynicism more than anything else. It's the curse of our age, and I want to avoid it at all costs.

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