If you never pass or dribble or go on the outside, cutting inside will stop working.

Is our time up and on to the next fire / Got my fingers burnt and cut into the wire.

They'll just cut our wrists like Cheap coupons and say that death Was on sale today.

What nature wants, commodious gold bestows; 'Tis thus we cut the bread another sows.

What I have proposed would cut regulations and streamline them for small businesses.

If you can cut the people off from their history, then they can be easily persuaded.

Th aspirer, once attaind unto the top, Cuts off those means by which himself got up.

When a woman wears a low-cut gown, what does she expect you to do: look or not look?

A tree weeps when cut down, a dog howls when beaten, but a man matures when offended.

I can't imagine going back to long hair. Cutting it was the greatest thing I ever did

When your best player puts it on the line every day, the other guys can't cut corners

I like my nuts," Mooner said. "I don't want them cut off. I'd be, like, nutless then.

I've always thought comparisons were useless and ugly. It is a short cut to thinking.

Simplicity hinges as much on cutting nonessential features as on adding helpful ones.

Come on, a 25-page digression on god? You can’t have that kind of thing, cut it out!”

I've been really excited about some new cutting edge electronic music and technology.

On the Medicare side, they limited their cuts to far in the future, and to providers.

I just want to be able to stand up straight for a little while before I get cut down.

Imagine living in a country where the cops are all people who're cut out for the job.

To be always ready a man must be able to cut a knot, for everything cannot be untied.

Love is like a reptile, you cut off its tail and it grows another one." Kiss Me Judas

You find me a Democrat that's for cutting spending $10 and I'll give them a warm kiss.

Only men would think of cutting themselves to determine who the packleader is. Idiots.

Hillary Clinton are going to raise taxes and Donald Trump and I are going to cut them.

Who cuts is easily wounded. The readier you are to offend the sooner you are offended.

I can't imagine going back to long hair. Cutting it was the greatest thing I ever did.

I think it's essential that we do more than talk about austerity measures and cutting.

I always make mistakes and I always fix things up, as best I can, in the cutting room.

I think if you would have cut Houdini with a knife, blood wouldn't come out, PR would.

Whetstones are not themselves able to cut, but make iron sharp and capable of cutting.

And you should never cut your hair 'cos I love the way you flick it off your shoulders

A writer is an organism that will go on writing even after its heart has been cut out.

As Mark Twain said, 'I love Wagner -- if only they'd cut out all that damned singing!'

A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken a short cut to meet it.

I de-stress with my family, just at home pruning roses, cutting, working in the garden.

I try to tell people that just because you're buff and cut doesn't mean you're healthy.

A celebrity, whatever I am, you get cut off sometimes from people just by circumstance.

I've noticed a huge difference in my energy level cutting out the red meat. It's crazy.

The politicians say 'we' can't afford a tax cut. Maybe we can't afford the politicians.

And I ask him why he cuts his arms with a razor. "Just fo feel. Just to feel something.

Most people aren't cut out for value investing, because human nature shrinks from pain.

Whoever wishes to devote himself to painting should begin by cutting out his own tongue

Give me the control, don't ever come on the set, and I'll show it to you when it's cut.

In 1995, sanctions led Sudan to cut its ties with terrorists and expel Osama bin Laden.

Laughter is the only thing that'll cut trouble down to a size where you can talk to it.

I don't care what anybody says about Ringo. I cut my rock-n-roll teeth listening to him.

Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.

I just made up my mind that I was going to lose my teeth and have my face cut to pieces.

It was really impulsive. I was just like, I'm cutting it! And then it was just all gone.

A lot of times I went to sleep hungry, and not because I was cutting weight for a fight.

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