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Throughout a lot of my 20s, my sexual allure and power was one of the most important things about me, my currency.
In this age, if the currency of a major nation collapses, or its access to borrowing ends, it just can't function.
Decide what your currency is early. Let go of what you will never have. People who do this are happier and sexier.
But I would bet that the euro continues to exist and that its importance as a global currency will likely increase.
The natural tendency of government, once in charge of money, is to inflate and to destroy the value of the currency.
The yuan is actually a very attractive currency and will prove to be very reliable-much more so than the U.S. dollar.
The most important thing that most countries around the world believe in is letting the markets determine the currency.
Studio films are driven by marketing. The currency is literally money. But in the indie world, the currency is passion.
In journalism, as in politics, other people's lives are a currency to be bartered on behalf of notoriety and influence.
I did it for the money. But its not worth much if you cant face yourself in the mirror. Respect is the ultimate currency.
I would like to implore all the governments of the world to come together to form a protocol to regulate virtual currency.
The euro is a hybrid of a fixed exchange-rate regime, like the 1980s ERM or the 1930s gold standard, and a state currency.
There are two types of depreciation. There is one where you're manipulating currencies. And that's not what Japan is doing.
China became the second biggest economy in the world by pegging their currency to the dollar at an artificially cheap rate.
We're going to stand up to China, we're going to stop their currency manipulation and product dumping, which is killing us.
Nations with a common currency never went to war against each other. A common currency is more than the money you pay with.
You look at your bank account, and you see the currency of love and happiness is more important than the currency of money.
I don't think BitCoin has ever been anything but a legitimate enterprise. Currency is currency, it's used for good and ill.
The plague did not lead to Europe’s economic collapse. Rather, Europe’s currency-driven economic collapse led to the plague.
It's very much the currency of discourse on social media where political disagreements very quickly become very personalised.
If you do more than your share you'd better want to: otherwise, you're paying yourself in a currency recognized nowhere else.
I am saying that currency trading is unnecessary, unproductive, and immoral. It should be stopped. It should be made illegal.
The dollar used to be a gold standard currency. And the dollar is really good in the last century, I mean in the 19th century.
Currency regimes in the past were always destroyed by volatility. So sooner or later, people desire a currency that is stable.
A digital currency issued by a central bank would be a global target for cyber attacks, cyber counterfeiting, and cyber theft.
The times of Arab nationalism and unity are gone forever. These ideas which mobilized the masses are only a worthless currency.
I do think some digital currency will end up being the reserve currency of the world. I see a path where that's going to happen.
To the best of my knowledge, there has never been a monetary union, putting out a fiat currency, composed of independent states.
At Coinbase, our first priority is to ensure that we operate the most secure and compliant digital currency exchange in the world.
English businesses would face massive transaction costs if Scotland, their second biggest export market, used a different currency.
A currency designed for long-term storage and investment doesn't do so well at encouraging transactions and exchange in the moment.
Everyone who votes for us will know that a Northern League government would get rid of the euro and move back to a national currency.
We are a nation conceived, born and nurtured by faith... Our faith is declared in our Constitution, on our currency and in our lives.
Imports remain a concern with the currency holding at $US0.75 cents and cost pressures persist, in particular for power and transport.
This Bitcoin currency is a voluntary decentralized currency, anonymous. It can't be shut down by anyone; there are no central servers.
There's no point in treating a currency like a commodity, devaluing it artificially and causing a lot of poverty among poor countries.
[The currency of being celebrity] used to be only the elect had any manna in the information society and everyone else was a consumer.
That's probably good, all things being equal, for emerging markets, not bad, even though it may not be great for all their currencies.
The water issue is critically related to climate change. People say that carbon is the currency of climate change. Water is the teeth.
In reality there is no such thing as an inflation of prices, relatively to gold. There is such a thing as a depreciated paper currency.
Monetary inflation not only raises prices and destroys the value of the currency unit; it also acts as a giant system of expropriation.
I think that the tying of the Montenegrin economy with the euro is a much better option than the adventure of printing our own currency.
Find the human in the technology. The currency marketers trade in has not changed even if the methods have. Emotion is what we exchange.
For decades, without so much as a peep from the Trump-hating establishment, China manipulated its currency and stole American technology.
Britain wants the single currency to be a success. It is massively in our interests that we have a stable financial system on our doorstep.
If you want an alternative currency, check out gold. It has stood the test of thousands of years as a store of value and medium of exchange.
Manipulating currencies is when you're going into the marketplace and buying something in large amounts to depress the value of the currency.
Words indeed are but the signs and counters of knowledge, and their currency should be strictly regulated by the capital which they represent.
If a currency is to become a growing, an increasing reserve currency, there has to be not only a demand for it there has to be a supply of it.
Along with currency manipulation, the New Deal introduced to Americans the spectacle of Fascist dictation to business, labor, and agriculture.