I don't think central banks are going to give up fiat currency anytime in my lifetime.

The only currency I value is the coin of the spirit. That's very important in my life.

Music files and downloading have indeed changed the currency of music to a great degree.

The true currency of life is time, not money, and we've all got a limited stock of that.

Currency trading is unnecessary, unproductive and totally immoral. It should be stopped.

Is a currency worth anything if no one wants it? We used to buy shoes in Italy. Remember?

A weak currency is the sign of a weak economy, and a weak economy leads to a weak nation.

In these times of uncertainty for paper-based currency, I feel more secure in holding gold.

We know perfectly well that neither love nor peace of mind can be bought with any currency.

Greece could default on its debts and even exit currency bloc if it cannot deliver reforms.

Let's take back our currency; then we can discuss at what conditions we can stay in the E.U.

There will be an electronic currency, and it will be universal, and we must accept that fact.

Only one fellow in ten thousand understands the currency question, and we meet him every day.

Culture opens our hearts to one another. And the currency in culture is not money, but trust.

I know what I'm worth, and I don't feel I should be talked about as currency for someone else.

Small change, small wonders - these are the currency of my endurance and ultimately of my life.

Most people are under exposed to global assets, including foreign stocks, bonds and currencies.

If we have a common currency, the main regulator for policy in the country is the fiscal policy.

Gold is as steady as a rock, a standardbearer by which all currencies can be accurately measured.

Women's currency is their looks. Like it or not, the most powerful woman is an 18-year-old woman.

The hours of your life are the most valuable currency you will ever have. How will you spend them?

At present, financial crises occur, chiefly because the paper currency is redeemable in gold only.

On the Internet, inside information is currency, and there will always be counterfeiters among us.

Words are the coins making up the currency of sentences, and there are always too many small coins.

If inflation-adjusted interest rates decline in a given country, its currency is likely to decline.

The Chinese are the greatest that ever came about, they are the greatest currency manipulators ever.

Marriage is the gold standard of all relationships. It's the currency by which everything is valued.

I can't imagine it if beauty was the only currency I used as an actress. It just doesn't interest me.

Well, I make a practice of not commenting on the role of the relative exchange value of our currency.

Credibility is a leader's currency. With it, he or she is solvent; without it, he or she is bankrupt.

The U.S. currency has been the most attractive currency to be in for very, very long periods of time.

No. 1 records are fine, but in 2016, they just don't mean as much any more - the currency has changed.

FDR, as best as I can tell, had no kind of involvement at all in our conversion to the paper currency.

The average person may, at a high level, think of us as a digital currency bank, but we're not a bank.

With China, their primary weapon in China is what they've done with the devaluation of their currency.

I'm terrified about the world food shortages. Vegetables could quite easily become tomorrow's currency.

You just can't bifurcate bitcoin currency from the technology. Bitcoin will always need a monetary base.

I built a supply chain of 400,000 people in China to play games professionally to mine digital currency.

Disclosure and transparency are the currency of the Internet, and they are at odds with authoritarianism.

If there is one currency that helped Wikileaks take on the might of the U.S. Government, it was Bitcoins.

We need to adopt a new currency. It doesn't matter what or how we call it - lira, sterling, Roman sesterce.

There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency.

Generosity is not only about money. There is more than one currency. Let your generosity be pervasive in life.

What people fail to appreciate is that the currency of corruption in elective office is, not money, but votes.

The amount of currency in circulation is not changing. The money supply is not changing in any significant way.

Digital currency is now a misnomer for Bitcoin. It can be used as currency, but it can be used for many things.

Pakistan is the first South Asian country to sign a free trade agreement and currency swap agreement with China.

I think that the future of currency is digital, and Bitcoin has a good shot at being the currency of the future.

Bitcoin is the beginning of something great: a currency without a government, something necessary and imperative.

The only currency isn't money. For me, it's about how can you build a good business that's also a social business.

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