I don't think we should compare club teams with international teams because they are different cups of tea.

Touch it gently, put two fingers inside, make sure it's wet & rub up & down. Yep that's how you wash a cup!

Being an ex-England manager, one that failed to qualify for the World Cup, is like being a dead politician.

Happiness isn't a thing. You can't go out and get it like a cup of tea. It's the way you feel about things.

Though men determine, the gods doo dispose: and oft times many things fall out betweene the cup and the lip.

But I think it's more normal for my team to have no success than it is to win two consecutive European cups.

The 33 or 34-year-olds will be 36 or 37 by the time the next World Cup comes around, if they're not careful.

I love... Eskimo Joe's. I have tons of Eskimo Joe's clothes and cups in my house, 'cause I love Eskimo Joe's.

I drink many cups of green tea, 12 oranges in a day and lots of salmon. They are all food with anti-oxidants.

I'm not sure how I'd survive without English Breakfast tea. Even in the Caribbean, I must drink 20 cups a day.

They say you can smoke 400 cigs a day and drink 20 cups of coffee, but you can't have a line or a drink again.

Pour out the wine without restraint or stay, Pour not by cups, but by the bellyful, Pour out to all that wull.

Kevin refilled my plastic cup with more box wine. I smiled thanks. Kevin smiled welcome. Jake kicked my ankle.

In 2006 I was asked to sing at the World Cup in Germany, and in 2010 I was fortunate enough to be asked again.

If God has made your cup sweet, drink it with grace; if He has made it bitter, drink it in communion with Him.

If I see a spider in my house, I put it in a cup, and then I take it outside. I save it. What is wrong with me?

My dear if you could give me a cup of tea to clear my muddle of a head I should better understand your affairs.

If you show up in L.A. with your shirt inside out or socks mismatched, people start putting change in your cup.

The telling of a story, like virtually everything in this life, was always made all the easier by a cup of tea.

People think because I was at City that I've only won leagues and cups, but I was there when we were struggling.

Christ exhausted the cup of God’s wrath. For all who trust in Him there is nothing more in the cup. It is empty.

Fill the cup, and fill the can: Have a rouse before the morn: Every moment dies a man, Every moment one is born.

This is my first FIFA Women's World Cup . For me, to see how I have reacted to this tournament...I'm totally in.

There's this myth that has been exacerbated by others that Starbucks means a $4 cup of coffee, which is not true.

I've played at five World Cups, including one in the U.S. where the distances between the stadiums were also big.

As one, the shapechangers turned and looked at me. I wondered what they'd do if I asked to borrow a cup of sugar.

Revolution is always based on land. Revolution is never based on begging somebody for an integrated cup of coffee.

The best thing is I can say 'I'm working' when I'm having a cup of tea and a cigarette and fiddling on the guitar.

In Gethsemane the holiest of all petitioners prayed three times that a certain cup might pass from Him. It did not.

it's not until my third cup of coffee that I am fully awake and willing to face the consequences of that condition.

They (the FAI) have asked, very humbly, can't we be team No 33 at the World Cup? They have asked for that... really!

One thing is for sure, a World Cup without me is nothing to watch so it is not worthwhile to wait for the World Cup.

Even in misery we love to be foremost, to have the bitter in our cup acknowledged as more bitter than that of others.

Race to Dubai winner, playing in Ryder Cups, winning majors - these are all great parts of a career you want to have.

What's lost is nothing to what's found, and all the death that ever was, set next to life, would scarcely fill a cup.

Growing up, you watch players like Ronaldinho playing in World Cups, doing the business, and you idolise these people.

It's just amazing how many companies suddenly want you to hold up their products after you've held up the Stanley Cup.

I like to take pictures of my Starbucks cups because, while I don't think my name is that difficult, apparently it is!

Take the good with the evil, for ye all are pensioners of God, and none may choose or refuse the cup His wisdom mixeth.

After an All-Blacks surprise loss to the French in the 1999 Rugby World Cup: “The French are predictably unpredictable.

Every time I get into a Nationwide car after being in a Cup car, I feel so much more comfortable than I did previously.

As you forget self in service to others, you will find that, without seeking it, your own cup of happiness will be full.

My cup of sweets is not unmingled: it is dashed with a bitterness that I cannot hide from myself, disguise it as I will.

Ponce de Leon, who said when he discovered the Fountain of Youth, Where the hell are the paper cups? Never got a dinner!

The world could bring you poison in a jewelled cup, or surprising gifts. Sometimes you didn't know which of them it was.

It's crazy to be spoken about like Mascherano. He's won everything: Champions League, La Ligas; he's been at World Cups.

When your cup is empty, you do not mourn what is gone. Because if you do, you will miss the opportunity to fill it again.

If a club has the cups it has, you have to think that Real Madrid is always capable of reaching the final and winning it.

I'm at my most productive before I even have my first cup of coffee. I only get slower and stupider as the day progresses.

You can go to the end of time, the last World Cup in the history of mankind, and the All-Blacks will be favourites for it.

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