Social media is driving the culture, it drives peoples minds literally.

We're supposed to be the people who make culture, not decorate culture.

I'm not allowing my perspective to be dictated by the dominant culture.

Hip-hop is more than music, it's a culture. It's bigger than hit songs.

A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.

I don't think the American government has a lot of respect for culture.

Money is like a mirror to our culture. What we see tells us who we are.

In a culture of domination, preoccupation with victimage is inevitable.

There is a dependence in the region that breeds a culture of defeatism.

History shows that when the church accommodates culture, it weakens it.

Care Immensely or Die: This is a bigger culture shift than you realize.

The history of a culture can be determined by its untranslatable words.

Why create churches for 50-year-olds and let culture have the students?

Culture, when it comes to food, is of course a fancy word for your mom.

If you want to know what's important to a culture, learn their language.

We live in a culture where everything tastes good but nothing satisfies.

Empowering people turns Wal-Mart's culture into a competitive advantage.

Only the powerless live in a money culture and know nothing about money.

There's a numbness in our culture to the continuing horrors of genocide.

Ethics is a bit like culture: the less one has, the more one flaunts it.

Culture is to know the best that has been said and thought in the world.

I grew up in an atmosphere where words were an integral part of culture.

Western culture is what is at risk from immigration from the Middle East.

Culture is the ability to describe Jane Russell without moving your hands

Unfortunately, most news writing is the product of a first draft culture.

The Irish and British, they love satire, its a large part of the culture.

The true measure of what you put in, is what's received on the other end.

Education and prevention are not enough when there is a culture of fraud.

Multiculturalism is based on the lie that all cultures are morally equal.

You can build a much more wonderful company on love than you can on fear.

When I hear the word culture - I release the safety-catch of my Browning.

I've always been pretty ravenous about pop culture, highbrow and lowbrow.

Listen, I'm not a rich kid. I'm a cultured kid; I'm very rich in culture.

St. Petersburg is a gem of world culture and Russia's most European city.

If there is only one culture all over the world, that's not a good thing.

Newspapers are a centre of public culture. We can’t give in to extortion.

Unhealthy cultures create addiction. Healthy cultures create social bonds.

The rewards system is a powerful driver of behavior and therefore culture.

We are women. We are a subject people who have inherited an alien culture.

That will be my focus: building a culture that moves away from militarism.

Culture changes, fashions change, customs change. Great music is immortal.

I think American audiences like gangster movies. It's part of the culture.

God will turn the might have been into a wonderful culture for the future.

Im Jewish and Italian, and I lucked out and got the nose of both cultures.

The pure culture is the foundation for all research on infectious disease.

Our culture is obsessed with real events because we experience hardly any.

Culture is the study of perfection, and the constant effort to achieve it.

While her lips talked culture, her heart was planning to invite him to tea

Absolutely nothing is so important for a nation's culture as its language.

I'm just a singer, Elvis was the embodiment of the whole American culture.

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