Modern culture is a mighty force. It is either subservient to the gospel or else it is the deadliest enemy of the gospel

There are no instances known to me of cultures having forsaken Truth or renounced the understanding in its widest sense.

I hope that we have a culture that values every human life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.

What would it be like to have not only color vision but culture vision, the ability to see the multiple worlds of others.

Government and culture are two diametrically opposed forces - the one blinds and oppresses, the other uplifts and unites.

It would be good for us Africans to accept ourselves as we are and recapture some of the positive aspects of our culture.

Attention to detail can't be (and never is) added later. It's an entire development philosophy, methodology, and culture.

Representation, then, is not - nor can it be - neutral; it is an act - indeed the founding act - of power in our culture.

Culture relates to objects and is a phenomenon of the world; entertainment relates to people and is a phenomenon of life.

Politics is chiefly a function of culture, at the heart of culture is morality, and at the heart of morality is religion.

The drug culture has shaped at least one major change since the Sixties; It became the basis for overloading our prisons.

I don't turn to greeting cards for wisdom and advice, but they are a fine reflection of the general drift of the culture.

Our society's obsession with tolerance leads to intolerance. Simply being a Christian today is an offense to our culture.

Not until man is willing to recognize his animal nature - in the good sense of the word - will he create genuine culture.

As art reveals the artist more than the world, so you see yourself and what you are not in the mirror of another culture.

I try to communicate in a way that allows people in on what's going on. What's better than references to popular culture?

We don't evaluate what's right and wrong, we live in a society. We live in a culture. We have to live within the culture.

I have no interest in artists who are purely affirmative, who've made a commercialized fetish of the culture's stupidity.

Maybe the culture is [particularly] shabby now. Maybe it's because I'm over sixty, that I can feel that about everything.

By education I am an Englishman, by views an internationalist, by culture a Muslim and a Hindu only by accident of birth.

Exclusively oral cultures are unencumbered by dead knowledge, dead facts. Libraries, on the other hand, are full of them.

Can you imagine the impact on our own culture if American Christians began using their riches as if they belonged to God?

Beliefs. Once entrenched in a culture, they persist, evolve and diverge, in a manner reminiscent of biological evolution.

Culture is just a shambling zombie that repeats what it did in life; bits of it drop off, and it doesn't appear to notice.

Our relationship to the environment matters, our relationship to animals matters, and our relationship to culture matters.

Money alone isn't enough to bring happiness... happiness is when you're actually truly ok with losing everything you have.

Negative people often tend to create negative cultures whereas positive corporate cultures are created by positive people.

Being brought up in a culture is a matter of learning appropriate forms of feeling as much as particular ways of thinking.

We've got 21st century technology and speed colliding head-on with 20th and 19th century institutions, rules and cultures.

I will go further, and assert that nature without culture can often do more to deserve praise than culture without nature.

The whole world is being 'deculturalized' into a uniform 'Coca-Cola society,' wanting and needing an American way of life.

Comics are an international language, they can cross boundaries and generations. Comics are a bridge between all cultures.

The conception of what is normal varies not only with the culture but also within the same culture, in the course of time.

You cannot merely expect culture to be a natural occurrence; it has to be taught and made a part of your everyday routine.

This history of culture will explain to us the motives, the conditions of life, and the thought of the writer or reformer.

Although we love the idea of choice - our culture almost worships it - we seek refuge in the familiar and the comfortable.

One should never risk a joke, even of the mildest and most unexceptional charters, except among people of culture and wit.

We have such a young culture that there is an opportunity to contribute wonderful new myths to it, which will be accepted.

Storytelling is the greatest activity of any culture. Storytelling is how you build a family, how you pass along identity.

This is a good thing, mixing culture to make something new, something no one has ever seen. This is kind of a new history.

In the modern technoindustrial culture, it is possible to proceed from infancy into senility without ever knowing manhood.

The main emotion of the adult American who has had all the advantages of wealth, education, and culture is disappointment.

I love pop culture -- the Rolling Stones, the Doors, David Lynch, things like that. That's why I said I don't like elitism.

I can't pretend that I don't subscribe to Internet music culture in that I discover new music and old music simultaneously.

I realised that although I was fascinated with America, its history and culture, I was not interested in becoming American.

When it comes to continual improvement programs, the biggest mistake is a failure to launch, the biggest hurdle is culture.

My hunch is that pop culture began to stagnate the moment Americans started to love the past more than they did the future.

When I was writing 'The Abstinence Teacher,' I really tried to immerse myself in contemporary American evangelical culture.

Do we have free will, or do the mass media and our culture control us, our desires and actions, from the moment we’re born?

There's a phenomenology of being sick, one that depends on temperament, personal history, and the culture which we live in.

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