I just couldn't live without other cultures' cuisines.

I especially love French, Italian and Japanese cuisines.

American cooking is one of the unknown cuisines in America.

I like to travel and explore new places and simply love trying new cuisines.

I enjoy travelling, experimenting with food and trying out different cuisines.

I like travelling to different places and trying out different cuisines. I like experimenting with my food.

In certain European cuisines, vegetables are cooked a long time. I take the term 'al dente' and use it for vegetables.

I can make chicken curry, rice, kheema... I am a foodie and enjoy varied cuisines. My favourites are Korean and Japanese.

My mother is my favorite cook and she does all cuisines really well. I eat the delicacies made by her whenever I find time.

New York gives us a wide colour palette to cook from. We have cuisines from around the world, and that lets us pick and choose.

Everywhere the sky is blue. There are a multitude of cuisines and dishes. I think of them as the languages and dialects of food.

No place is perfect, but I admire Oahu for its offering of the tropical and the urban, and then its Asian-inflected culture and cuisines.

The jambalaya of the American South owes a lot to the cuisines of the islands and western Africa, and it's my favorite of this type of one-pot cookery.

My sons, Azaan and Zahaan, make for scintillating company; they are both foodies. The three of us love spending time trying out new joints and cuisines.

Mum doesn't like it when I mention that Dad's a better cook than her. He was born in Spain and spent eight years in Portugal and is exceptional at lots of cuisines.

Close your eyes and place your finger on a map. Wherever it lands, that's the theme of the evening. So many times we settle for routine dishes. This forces you to try new cuisines.

New York's food scene is truly unique because it is this wonderful melting pot where immigrants from all over the world have brought with them their cuisines and their ingredients.

I'm a firm believer that the world should be your oyster when you're cooking. People should open themselves to other cuisines - there are a lot of hidden secrets all over the world.

The world is getting more connected through technology and travel. Cuisines are evolving. Some people are scared of globalization, but I think people will always take pride in cultural heritage.

Travel is so important in its capacity to expand the mind. It's exciting to start as young as possible - you get to see how other cultures live, challenge your senses, and try different cuisines.

I love trying out different cuisines. In Delhi, I love Megu at the Leela, and TK's at the Hyatt. I also enjoy Khan Chacha's rolls. In Mumbai, it's Royal China and Shiro. And in Bangalore, I like the food at Bricklane.

It so happens that whenever I come to Delhi, my schedule is always packed. But sometimes, I call my friends to my hotel itself. And of course, I ask them to get the food I love. This way, I get to meet them and enjoy my favorite cuisines too.

I think that curiosity happened on these reviews where I was just a guest of the reviewer, because it introduced me to new cuisines and to the idea of cooking as a mechanism for studying other cultures and understanding other parts of the world.

When I was a teenager, I worked in New Orleans for a chef named Paul Prudhomme. That was a very important time in my life as a chef. I developed my palate and learned a lot. And here I am now. I specialize in modern Mexican and contemporary Latin cuisines.

I really liked the food in Japan. There is something so organized, neat, and methodical about it. They put a lot of care and quality into their cooking. I also love Mediterranean, New American, and Italian food, because the cuisines borrow influences from all over the world.

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