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Even boredom has its crises.
Crises are harbingers of evolution.
Financial crises require governments.
Crises are challenges, not calamities.
The IMF is set up to deal with liquidity crises.
In crises the most daring course is often safest.
You don't forget crises and neither does the Queen.
I've lived through a lifetime of crises and survived.
Collaborative decision-making is very poor in crises.
I think we all have identity crises throughout our lives.
I'm not going to say that I'm perfect. I do have fashion crises.
The more insecure you are, the more prone you are to create crises.
Yes, Socialists should defend their country in great historical crises.
India has always come out of crises renewed and on a higher growth path.
Liberalism has never done as well as it thinks at resolving its own crises.
This is how dictatorships always behave: they deny reality; they deny crises.
Financial crises are like fireworks: they illuminate the sky even as they go pop.
A marriage without conflicts is almost as inconceivable as a nation without crises.
You hear about these guys having midlife crises - I don't see that happening to me.
Fiscal crises often turn into financial crises, dealing a blow to the real economy.
Financial crises are an unfortunate but necessary consequence of modern capitalism.
I've directed seven movies and know a thing or two about dealing with unexpected crises.
History is full of lessons for how water crises could have been avoided or better managed.
Crisis and pressure help foster change - that's why I'm not so pessimistic towards crises.
Maintaining a sense of humor is key to getting people to also focus on the crises at hand.
Crises and deadlocks when they occur have at least this advantage, that they force us to think.
Just as crises can provide a test of anyone's character, they do so especially with presidents.
At present, financial crises occur, chiefly because the paper currency is redeemable in gold only.
Great emergencies and crises show us how much greater our vital resources are than we had supposed.
Because when I have been busy at the United Nations during crises, it has meant working day and night.
I believe that education should be about healing the earth and dealing with the crises that we are in.
The European Union has decades of experience in overcoming crises and has always emerged stronger after.
Life is a succession of crises and moments when we have to rediscover who we are and what we really want.
We must not let the response to the coronavirus crisis make the climate and inequality crises even worse.
Crises are part of life. Everybody has to face them, and it doesn't make any difference what the crisis is.
I've always said that my greatest crises are my greatest opportunities to prove my own character to myself.
Many of the crises we see in the 21st century, I would argue, have their roots in the dawn of the Neolithic.
We all recognize that the Mid-east is dissolving into crises, and we know terrorism did not start with 9-11.
'Certifiably Jonathan' contrives crises for its subject - a bid to get his paintings into MOMA, among others.
Kerala has a history of being resilient... in a short span we had several crises - floods, Nipah, Ockhi, etc.
Public crises, particularly those concerning life and death, offer demagogues ample opportunity to amass more power.
It is painful to relive things that have caused emotional crises or whatever and find ways to express that musically.
Have you heard a single national figure tell you all of the crises of the recent past are not economic, they're cultural?
Too often, our concern for specific individuals today means neglecting crises that will harm countless people in the future.
In Hawaii, we have something called Ho'oponopono, where people come together to resolve crises and restore peace and balance.
I go through major crises every few months, but then I have great peaks of belief and creativity. I'm a weird kind of animal.
We as a country are very good at responding to acute, short-term crises. When the crisis becomes chronic, we tend to withdraw.
Before becoming a college president, I helped over a dozen organizations find strategies to get through some very ugly crises.
Daesh is the enemy of Europe, and Europe cannot live with the idea that the crises that surround it don't have an effect on it.
In my own view, the life expectancy of Native Americans in the United States is one of the really great moral crises that we face.