Kids are wandering around the streets today that will become tomorrow's criminals that were yesterday's heroes.

Disarmed citizens encourage crime and violence. Armed citizens encourage criminals to find a safer line of work.

Was I a criminal? No. I was a good member of society. Only my society and the one making the laws are different.

There are likable characters in prison. Sometimes the worst criminals are also some of the most charming people.

Bush, as far as I'm concerned, is a war criminal. With Trump, we have no idea. Right now it's just a freak show.

Non-criminal sexual harassment on the job is not a problem for the virtuous woman except in the rarest of cases.

A satyagrahi would neither retaliate nor would he submit to the criminal, but seek to cure him by curing himself.

With sad, depressing predictability, the children of today's underclass become tomorrow's criminals and dropouts.

Wennerström was devoting himself to fraud that was so extensive it was no longer merely criminal–it was business.

Hollywood no longer depicts reporters in ruthless pursuit of criminals, high and low. Now they are the criminals.

Some trials look as much like the trial of an ordinary criminal case as a Hitchcock film looks like a home movie.

When the true criminals are running around free, the only honorable place for a decent human being is in prisons.

Car chases usually don't involve major criminals - they're usually guys afraid of getting another traffic ticket.

It might be pardonable to refuse to defend some men, but to defend them negligently is nothing short of criminal.

This country maintains that there is no political prisoners, that everybody is criminals, but it's just not true.

The true criminal must be defined as a man who commits a crime though he is as decently fed and clothed as others.

Obviously, a power player in a criminal organization doesnt have to persuade anyone. He can just do what he wants.

It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress.

One the most efficient ways to combat gun violence is to prevent criminals from obtaining guns in the first place.

It is curious to be treated by the old-fashioned people as a criminal because my thoughts and ways are beyond them.

There's a difference between criminals and crooks. Crooks steal. Criminals blow some guy's brains out. I'm a crook.

War criminals in the U.S. and Israel are not punished: no international court has the courage to put them on trial.

We refuse to lie here in dishonor! We are not criminals, but Irishmen! This is the crime of which we stand accused.

Family violence is a criminal act; perpetrators, while often former victims themselves, need to accept culpability.

Among sportsmen are the noble, the diligent and the caring, as there are the callous, the cheats and the criminals.

The smoking gun is that we're interviewing somebody who is involved in a cybercrime and not calling him a criminal.

Society does not go down because of the activities of criminals, But because of the inactivities of the good people.

A criminal trial is never about seeking justice for the victim. If it were, there could be only one verdict: guilty.

We need to deport these criminals and negotiate agreements requiring that they do their time in their own countries.

As a border prosecutor, I've put criminals behind bars who worked for some of the most violent cartels in the world.

I would strongly recommend any young man to stay away from criminal law. It's not a good place to be, unfortunately.

Society questions the police and their methods, and the police say, Do you want the criminals off the street or not?

We have to tighten our gun laws and keep guns out of the hands of criminals, the mentally ill, and domestic abusers.

This bill says go after the criminal, don't go after the law-abiding gun manufacturer or the law-abiding gun seller.

Don't try to be fancy. Shoot for the center of mass. The world is full of decent people. Criminals we can do without.

Ignorance of the law is not a valid excuse for accused criminals, and it cannot be an excuse for members of Congress.

In the 1950s, buggery was a criminal offence. Now it's a requirement to receive benefits from the federal government.

We should not allow wealthy people, including corporate criminals, to hide their assets and avoid paying their bills.

If we stick together as an American people we can bring down the war criminals that are running our country right now.

Society questions the police and their methods, and the police say: 'Do you want the criminals off the street or not?'

I'm Dan Gelber. As a federal prosecutor, I helped put away corporate criminals, corrupt politicians and violent gangs.

We must prevent a criminal understanding between the Fascist aggressors and the British and French imperialist clique.

We're animals. We're violent. We're criminal. And if I've done anything, I've had kids express themselves as they are.

...guns do more than protect us from criminals; more importantly, they protect us from the ongoing threat of government.

I've laid out a platform that I think would begin to remedy some of the problems we have in the criminal justice system.

I am very interested in loyalty, even if the person to whom one is loyal is flawed, criminal, or otherwise in the wrong.

I categorically declare first my absolute innocence, second my lack of criminal intent, and third my effusive apologies.

As long as the house of The Holy Spirit remains a haven for criminals the reputation of the church will remain in ruins.

Nothing matters but the facts. Without them, the science of criminal investigation is nothing more than a guessing game.

Degenerates are not always criminals, prostitutes, anarchists and pronounced lunatics; they are often authors and artists

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