I think that the over-incarceration of black and brown folk is one of the great crimes of American society.

We must be vigilant in our actions towards criminals, and innovative in our approach towards solving crime.

The Internal Revenue Service is more ruthless than the Gestapo. Abolish the IRS! Stamp out organized crime!

For me, I really like the human drama embedded in a crime story, and I like the way European films do that.

Banks don't commit crimes. Bankers do. And they won't ever stop if they don't have to pay for their crimes.

For some, the very act of intelligence gathering seems illegitimate when applied to the crime of terrorism.

Armed and law-abiding citizens are a greater deterrent to violent crime than 1,000 laws passed by Congress.

When I'm writing, I don't read much crime at all - you don't want to get distracted by other people's plots.

Life once conceived, must be protected with the utmost care; abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes.

Our crime was that we were beginning to live a new and contagious life-style without official authorization.

I know not any crime so great that a man could contrive to commit as poisoning the sources of eternal truth.

Victims want to know that the true perpetrators of their crime are convicted - legal aid helps achieve this.

Slums may well be breeding grounds of crime, but middle class suburbs are incubators of apathy and delirium.

What does signature mean? Supposedly these are the added touches that make the crime personal to the killer.

If we were brought to trial for the crimes we have committed against ourselves, few would escape the gallows.

I finally faced the fact that it isn't a crime not having friends. Being alone means you have fewer problems.

Going to trial with a lawyer who considers your whole life-style a Crime in Progress is not a happy prospect.

Crime and bad lives are the measure of a State's failure, all crime in the end is the crime of the community.

I would have to commit a crime and have cops chase me. That would be the only way to get me to jog five miles.

Hitler admired Stalin, quite properly seeing himself as a mere infant in crime compared to his great exemplar.

I'm going to be 58, and I'm a woman. In this business, that seems to be a bigger crime than being mentally ill

There is a reason it used to be a crime in the Confederate states to teach a slave to read: Literacy is power.

All the crimes on earth do not destroy so many of the human race nor alienate so much property as drunkenness.

I know that philosophically a murderer is not responsible for his crime, but I prefer not to take tea with him.

You don't read many scripts, especially for crime dramas, that feature a strong woman as the central character.

I wish to note that intellectual property theft by a government represents the very essence of organized crime.

History is but the record of crimes and misfortunes. L'histoire n'est que le tableau des crimes et des malheurs

I'm going to be 58, and I'm a woman. In this business, that seems to be a bigger crime than being mentally ill.

The crime problem in New York is getting really serious. The other day the Statue of Liberty had both hands up.

I haven't committed all the crimes in my movies, I would have gotten the death penalty many years ago if I had.

Online crime is practically always international, because they almost always cross traditional national borders.

The Dutch are still allowed to speak critically about Islam, and resistance against Islamization is not a crime.

I have been addicted to crime since I was born. I was making up crime stories when I was a 4- or 5-year-old kid.

Stress is the reason for crime and all other kinds of frustration. To relieve it will eliminate everything else.

The law protects nothing in that very respect, in which it is, at the same time, in the eye of the law, a crime.

Here's the thing: Nobody gets extradited for a crime where nobody's been hurt, where no property's been damaged.

The stage lost a fine actor, even as science lost an acute reasoner, when [Holmes] became a specialist in crime.

Organized crime in America takes in over forty billion dollars a year and spends very little on office supplies.

Abandoned homes become magnets for vandalism and crime. They drag down the property values of neighboring homes.

Crime is common. Logic is rare. Therefore it is upon the logic rather than upon the crime that you should dwell.

If you had enough money, you could hardly commit crimes at all. You just perpetrated amusing little peccadilloes.

I do not see how hanging litter louts up by their heels and beating them with sticks could be considered a crime.

We should not so much esteem our poverty as a misfortune, were it not that the world treats it so much as a crime

Popularity is a crime from the moment it is sought; it is only a virtue where men have it whether they will or no.

The larger crimes are apt to be the simpler, for the bigger the crime, the more obvious, as a rule, is the motive.

The true criminal must be defined as a man who commits a crime though he is as decently fed and clothed as others.

Money-crimes have an abstract quality. History is laden with the victims of gold, but their remains are odourless.

This is what you know about someone you have to hate: he charges you with his crime and castigates himself in you.

An oath is a recognizance to heaven, binding us over in the courts above to plead to the indictment of our crimes.

British crime stories tend to be very internal, psychological, claustrophobic, very limited in terms of geography.

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