Directing, I just feel comfortable. I know what I want. I know what I want from my crew. I lead by example. I have limitless energy as a director.

The dance community suddenly came alive with programs like 'So You Think You Can Dance,' 'America's Best Dance Crew' and 'Dancing With The Stars.'

I think Ronda Rousey is fantastic. She's a fantastic addition to the entire crew of WWE. I think she has kind of blown away people's expectations.

I didn't get my hair cut for two movies, and it got a little long. I'm going back to a... not a crew cut. Back to, oh, about a Presbyterian length.

We had an amazing experience shooting the first season of 'Leverage' with such a talented cast and crew and with the full support of TNT behind us.

All my success belongs to those who have contributed in my pursuit of art, ranging from writers and directors to makeup artists, lighting crew, etc.

A man should definitely own a couple of blue denims, white crew neck T-shirt, a versatile blazer, comfortable pair of boxers, and coloured sneakers.

A century before the concept took hold in America, pirate ships were democracies. Most captains were elected by crew and could be voted out anytime.

Literally, 'Dance Moms' was so amazing, and I have the world to thank for that. They were so awesome - the set, the cast, the crew - it was amazing.

My own bandmembers wouldn't return my calls and I lost multiple tour managers, crew members. I can't tell you how many friends stopped talking to me.

The Sea Shepherd crew is doing what governments should be doing, but refuse to do themselves, because of the threats of trade retaliation from Japan.

I have a rule that I don't read my press, but then somebody in the crew will be reading it and of course it's right there, so what do you think I do?

I was awake for the therapy, it was documented by a film crew. I am proud to have taken part of helping millions of people even if it has bad results.

The crew loves working on the show, even though we have to work really hard. There's nobody in the show that's difficult. We really have a great group.

I don't like kissing on camera. It's bad enough to be caught kissing by your parents. But when you have a whole crew watching you, it's a little weird.

We work together as a team. And between us and between the crew and our teams on the ground, we don't look at gender, and we don't see it as a barrier.

The objective is not just to save the crew or just to get the ship up, but the superobjective is to get back home to the family and protect the family.

There was a time in school where I was trying to figure out which lunch table I belonged to. Eventually, I started my own table and formed my own crew.

Some of the best memories of my career have been with 'Sunday Night Baseball' and I will miss my time with our amazing crew, who have been like family.

So, what you can do in Microsoft Word is what Bill Gates has decided. What you can do in Oracle Database is what Larry Ellison and his crew have decided.

Twenty-four hour news delivers people who stand and talk to camera rather than deliver reported packages with their own camera crew where it's happening.

I can't think of anything that's as exciting as I'm sure this mission will be, and actually being in space. But, we did some training as a crew together.

Sailed this day nineteen leagues, and determined to count less than the true number, that the crew might not be dismayed if the voyage should prove long.

If there is ever a crew that goes out every night behind the eight-ball and have their work cut out for them to be respectable, it's the '205 Live' guys.

If we're having a tough day, we'll bring the babies on, and suddenly, these crew guys who have, like, tattoos all over their necks are cooing and fawning.

And a lot of the artists and people that we hired were fans of Transformers growing up, so having so many fans working on my crew really kept me on point.

My goals are for the U.S. team to get to the second round of the World Cup and to win a championship here in the U.S. with my club team the Columbus Crew.

In 'Winter's Bone,' it's literally the director and the camera operator. That's it. Just a super-small Kubrick crew. You know what I mean? Like, 8 people.

Making a film is so hard that if you don't have your main actors going along with the ride with the rest of the crew it can make your life very difficult.

I miss the cast and crew of 'Supernatural' immensely. I know it's a cliche to say your cast and crew are like your family, but it's really the case there.

'Pod' was a significantly larger crew with Ilium Pictures co-producing. 'Darling' was bare bones. We had less than half of the crew that we had for 'Pod.'

I think I'm a people person. I get very attached to people. And I've become so attached to all the people on my show, the cast, the crew and the producers.

We find that other employees are very enthusiastic about their fellow crew members who have disabilities-or what they previously thought of as disabilities.

It is first and foremost very hard work! But I have a wonderful part and I do have fun. The company, cast and crew of 'Passions' are wonderful to work with.

I think windows are really important for the psychological health of crew members on long duration missions. It is nice to look outside, even if it is dark.

Snoop Dogg has had me to Hollywood to rap with him on his records, and the 2 Live Crew brought me to Miami and wined and dined me to make a record with them.

We didn't have a drill so he would burn the holes through the wood with a metal rod that he heated up in a fire. Can you imagine an ordinary crew doing that?

I came from a crew, and to me, all the guys I rapped with were better than me, so I was surprised when I was the breakout one. It was definitely a cool thing.

On 'Game of Thrones', the people that I've met, of the people behind the scenes, was not even a scratch of the vast crew that actually does work on that show.

When I was shooting 'Mud,' every day was my favourite! I had so much fun on this film and loved working with all the cast and crew! It was a great experience.

I knew Childress was going to help me because my crew told me on the radio. I really appreciate what Richard did, but that is typical of people in this sport.

I've got a reputation for being difficult, and yet with my crew and my cast, I'm super-collaborative and we get on really well, and they like working with me.

All your travelling is together, you eat together, you're on stage as a band together, when you get to the sound-check the band and the crew are all together.

One of the great things about the 'Arrow' crew is that no one is settling for what they did yesterday. They're always thinking about what they can do tomorrow.

I'm a recovering jersey wearer who can't bear to get rid of the blaze-orange Knicks warmup top that makes me look like James Carville on a highway repair crew.

Once you are assigned to a flight, the whole crew is assigned at the same time, and then that crew trains together for a whole year to prepare for that flight.

My big break down here was working with Steven Spielberg in '1941.' It was a very small role, as Corporal Foley, who was part of the tank crew with Dan Aykroyd.

The Internet is a good way to try some stuff with no big crew and no money being spent. Since there are no stakes to it, you can try to be a little experimental.

I don't have a crew. I have a small family. I never let anybody from the outside in, because I didn't want anybody to say they did anything for me down the line.

I do remember, as a child, that I always imagined, when I was maybe 6 or 7, my fantasy was that everywhere I went I was being followed by an invisible film crew.

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