The credit of success is claimed by all, while a disaster is attributed to one alone.

Humanity is actually much more cooperative and empathic than [it's] given credit for.

The Federal Reserve has the responsibility to protect the credit rights of consumers.

Uncle Remus, who said to Uncle Ben, You're a credit to your rice. Never got a dinner!

Blest paper-credit! last and best supply! That lends corruption lighter wings to fly!

These audiences are so damn smart, way smarter than the studios give them credit for.

I think being an athlete prepares you for more things than people give us credit for.

A lot of times you get credit for stuff in your movies you didn't intend to be there.

The credit to them, the better team won and there's nothing we can do about that now.

If confidence is a plant of slow growth, credit is one which matures much more slowly.

There's probably more in the American tradition than people give the place credit for.

I'm all over the place. As you may have seen from the credits, I write with everybody.

Nowadays it's not who wears the pants in the family, but who carries the credit cards.

The credit reporting system suffers from inaccuracy and often from outright injustice.

It is credit that matters, not money (in other words, monetarism is a false ideology).

Every central banker in the world pays attention to credit growth, but not in the U.S.

Democrats get credit for money coming into the state, but I do a lot of heavy lifting.

I decided to become an actor because I was failing in school and I needed the credits.

Once a nation parts with the control of its credit, it matters not who makes the laws.

O Gold! I still prefer thee unto paper, which makes bank credit like a bark of vapour.

Wouldn't it be great if we didn't care who got the credit as long as the job got done?

There can be no time, no state of things, in which Credit is not essential to a Nation.

Keep up appearances; there lies the test. The world will give thee credit for the rest.

Musicals don't get enough credit for being so surreal. It's like an alternate universe.

Want more credit for all you do and who you are? Be the one who gives credit to others.

Men are sent into the world with bills of credit, and seldom draw to their full extent.

Superior people take both the credit and the blame for everything that happens to them.

Who quick be to borrow and slow be to pay, their credit is naught, go they ever so gay.

A check or credit card, a Gucci bag strap, anything of value will do. Give as you live.

I think that people in their 20s actually aren't given enough credit for their ambition.

World War II broke out in 1939, and many people credit that war with saving the economy.

A credit card is a convenient device that saves you the trouble of counting your change.

You can achieve anything in politics provided that you let someone else take the credit.

Talent is like a birthmark - it's a gift and no credit nor fault to those who wear them.

The credit of advancing science has always been due to individuals and never to the age.

Malice scorned, puts out itself; but argued, give a kind of credit to a false accusation.

In football, you win as a group, you lose as a group; you divide the credit and the blame.

No person will make a great business who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit.

You must accept responsibility for your actions, but not the credit for your achievements.

Evening bags should be just big enough for my phone, lipstick, house key, and credit card.

It's amazing how much credit you can take, if you don't care about accomplishing anything.

I had no credit cards. I had no checks. I was cash only until I was probably 30 years old.

Physical money, whether it's checks or cash or credit card, are digitizing in front of us.

Today, people tend to credit me with having the original idea and made the first circuits.

Donald Trump pulled off an amazing political feat. He deserves tremendous credit for that.

Spare me the mantra that the “fundamentals” are sound. Credit is the ultimate fundamental.

A leopard does not change his spots, or change his feeling that spots are rather a credit.

Hard work is rewarding. Taking credit for other people's hard work is rewarding and faster.

If you take the credit, you lose it. If you give away the credit, it comes back multiplied.

For a director and a producer to be named on the writing credits is practically unheard of.

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