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Don't you know no one can escape the power of creatures reaching out with breath alone?
We writers are shy, nocturnal creatures. Push us into the light and the light blinds us.
We are the creators and creatures of each other, causing and bearing each other's burden.
Medicine is the means by which we poor feeble creatures try to keep from dying or aching.
Mind control won't work on those who are really hardheaded. You know… Creatures like you.
We human beings are strange creatures and still reserve the right to think for ourselves.
Pigs are not that dirty. And they're smart, strange little creatures. They just need love.
We are not made for ourselves alone, we are made for the good of all our fellow creatures.
I love people. People are lovely creatures. I'm one myself, so I love to see people happy.
Vice is a creature of such hideous mien... that the more you see it the better you like it
This creature of the poem may assemble itself into a being with its own centrifugal force.
It's time to end the cruel slaughter of whales and leave these magnificent creatures alone.
The pleasures of love are for those who are hopelessly addicted to another living creature.
God chooses as His instrument the humblest and weakest of His creatures to fulfill Himself.
Mengistu is a barbaric and cruel creature who becomes happy with the death of human beings.
For He (God) seems to do nothing of himself which He can possibly delegate to His creatures.
Human beings are very complex creatures. This desire, this greed, this love is very complex.
The true test of anyone's worth as a living creature is how much he can utilize what he has.
The Cat was a creature of absolute convictions, and his faith in his deductions never varied.
Children are very cruel, yes. Of course. Children are extraordinarily cruel little creatures.
The sea where living creatures were at one time immersed is now enclosed within their bodies.
All of earth's creatures have, hidden within their beings, a wild uncontrollable urge to punt!
I'm trying to figure out the biology of dinosaurs and what they were like as living creatures.
I think Uma Thurman is one of God's creatures, one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.
Hell is the incapacity to be other than the creature one finds oneself ordinarily behaving as.
I don't like applause, I must admit. Ultimately, artists are shy creatures; they're introverts.
Attitudes toward other creatures is conditioned by one's level of security within the universe.
You bring a little bit of yourself into every character you play. We're multifaceted creatures.
If a woman is determined, she will get what she wants because we are very determined creatures.
A lady has every right to defend herself against unsought advances. And creatures of the night.
The proof that man is the noblest of all creatures is that no other creature has ever denied it.
As a big creature, if you do not respect small creatures, you will be even much smaller than them!
I love movies with spectacle but spectacle can be a performance, it doesn't have to be a creature.
What a miracle, that all we have to do to be beautifully loving creatures is just relax and allow.
When everything seems like its changed…its because things have." Ethan Wate in Beautiful Creatures.
So, after all, we are but puppets, creatures of our fate, not commanding it but being molded by it.
For although the will cannot be inwardly moved by any creature, yet it can be moved inwardly by God.
I believe that we were meant to live as social creatures, to reach out and bless each other's lives.
It is a shame to confess but among all living creatures only man doesn't know what is useful for him.
Tho' Beauty is generally the creature of fancy, yet are there some who will be Beauties in every eye.
Mankind must remember that peace is not God's gift to his creatures; peace is our gift to each other.
Human beings are able to reflect on their existencefor now that distinguishes us from other creatures.
I suppose you could never explain to the most ingenous molusk that such a creature as a whale existed.
And the turtles, of course...all the turtles are free, as turtles and, maybe, all creatures should be.
I don't know how it is the most unattractive creatures of every nation seem to be the ones who travel.
The happiness of the creature consists in rejoicing in God, by which also God is magnified and exalted.
We're very physical creatures, and we worry about how we look sometimes more than our spiritual selves.
The reason I know I'm different to other people is I'm awake in the night, like all mythical creatures.
When a creature has developed into one thing, he will choose death rather than change into his opposite.
Grace can neither be bought, earned, or won by the creature. If it could be, it would cease to be grace.