A melting Arctic creates a more permissive environment for Russia and China to seize territory.

That is, an artist who creates lots of work probably experiences prolific days and slower days.

A permanent division of labor inevitably creates occupational and class inequality and conflict.

Infrastructure creates the form of a city and enables life to go on in a city, in a certain way.

The second we define someone as a Democrat or Republican, it creates a whole set of limitations.

When you dance and move around it creates a different reaction from the audience - they love it.

Life creates new heroes, and new heroes always find it easiest to beat up on the previous heroes.

You've heard the saying, 'Analysis creates paralysis.' You can't be 100 percent sure of anything.

When a real artist creates something, it has to be a necessity, the only way he can say something.

A world where everyone creates content gets confusing pretty quickly without a good search engine.

Each person creates boundaries and walls around the self - this often keeps even happiness at bay.

That creates the magic, and that's the wonderment of the musical process and how precious that is.

The Lord creates us all in different ways and gives us all different passions and different paths.

The Internet creates more space for extremism, and the echo chamber effect accelerates the process.

Government does not create jobs, it only creates the conditions that make jobs more or less likely.

It sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only its own opportunities, but its own talents.

I have a fantastic team, and it's much easier having children, because that creates a natural limit.

The internet creates more of an appetite for media - it doesn't replace physical books, radio or TV.

To force a culture creates something that is inherently not sustainable. It does not evolve forward.

There's a sense of fiction in every video game. It creates a world for itself that you want to obey.

When you are very idealistic, but caught in a world which is all about business, it creates anguish.

Personally, scoring goals creates confidence and I gain the mental stability and get poised from it.

The skyscraper establishes the block, the block creates the street, the street offers itself to man.

It creates a conflict of interest - what songs would I use for me, and what would I use for the band.

The wrong kind of praise creates self-defeating behavior. The right kind motivates students to learn.

Anyone who creates something new or does something different artistically is going to be singled out.

Selling an electric sports car creates an opportunity to fundamentally change the way America drives.

The pull between sound and syntax creates a kind of musical tension in the language that interests me.

Some artists want a producer to be a kind of svengali - someone who actually creates a sound for them.

Poetry is not a matter of feelings, it is a matter of language. It is language which creates feelings.

Finding someone who's willing to drown with you creates a situation where you no longer want to drown.

While it may seem scarier in the earlier days, I think ultimately the blockchain creates a safer world.

I think when any one kind of film does well, it creates a precedent and paves the way for more like it.

Big names and banners bring a lot of visibility to your work and it creates more opportunities for you.

Wearable technology is not just for consumers. It creates a tremendous opportunity for businesses, too.

Improving small business opportunities through federal contracts creates jobs and saves taxpayer money.

When you are full of pride on the inside, it makes you stiff, stubborn, and creates strife with others.

I want people to have conversations, to have controversy because it creates dialogue and builds bridges.

Wal-Mart creates entry level jobs for people who don't have a lot of skills; those jobs don't pay a lot.

I've discovered this new electronic technique that creates new speech out of stuff that's already there.

Washington is paralyzed by extreme political rhetoric that creates powerful sound bites but poor policy.

I was very creative when I was a kid. Doing so much stuff, I think that creates a different coordination.

I feel when somebody has been playing cricket for a long time, he creates a separate identity for himself.

Convergence and the blurring of lines across industries creates the opportunity for women to really excel.

Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.

For Coca-Cola to take a pro-diversity, pro-equality stance creates a lot of goodwill in the LGBT community.

We need to recognize that it is growing economic inequality that creates the conditions for hate to fester.

Music creates a certain mood and then people dress accordingly. I think it's all quite closely intertwined.

Honestly, I don't think screen space matters much; it's the impact your character creates that is important.

The audience loves when the comedian talks to them. You're creating inside jokes, which creates a community.

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