Let every man of whatsoever craft or occupation he be of... serve his brethren.

The novel is a prose narrative of some length that has something wrong with it.

Most of the time, it's not the concept, but the execution of craft that counts.

If you're lucky as you get older, you respect the craft and it becomes a skill.

Successful hedge funds will be entrepreneurial; it is the essence of the craft.

In order to perfect your craft, you've gotta go hard, you've gotta go overtime.

Every experience that you experience yourself you use, because that's our craft.

In what we think of as bad dialogue, the characters talk directly to each other.

The most important playwright's gift is to hit your time and speak to your time.

Gay guys know how to craft, and they craft really well. Straight guys, forget it.

I did not begin with craft, I began with strong feelings and worked toward craft.

When you are an actor, you bring a tool in your craft but you are not that person.

I have never produced anything good except by a long succession of slight efforts.

Spielberg knows his craft so well, he can also improvise, and that is a lot of fun.

I admire Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman for their sheer dedication to their craft.

The classic, quote/unquote, craft of songwriting still works; it still is relevant.

Writers learn their craft, above all, from the work of other writers. From reading.

A novel should be an experience and convey an emotional truth rather than arguments.

Work at your craft, write daily, and follow your dreams because dreams do come true.

Movie actors earn their living and learn their craft through listening and reacting.

Upright simplicity is the deepest wisdom, and perverse craft the merest shallowness.

In a mouse we admire God's creation and craft work. The same may be said about flies.

A noble craft, but somehow a most melancholy! All noble things are touched with that.

The language you use for your poems should be the language you use with your friends.

Acting is something I love to do. I love to perform and I love the art, the craft of it

The craft or art of writing is the clumsy attempt to find symbols for the wordlessness.

it's been my experience that most writers don't talk about their craft--they just do it

If you just work on your craft hard, that's your only hope of doing anything worthwhile.

I went from years of honing my craft to sudden recognition. It was quite a life changer.

Just give me a good role that allows me to hone my craft and I am a pretty happy camper.

I think very often the boat-rockers turn out to be the people who are building the craft

Grips and electricians have done more to help me shoot good movies than any other craft.

Any fool can take a bad line out of a poem; it takes a real pro to throw out a good line.

The craft work becomes a mediator between me and my secrets, between me and the listener.

Easter is an arts and crafts moment where your whole family and friends can get involved.

You can't be afraid to deal with your demons. You've got to go there to be able to write.

You never stop learning your craft. That's the key to success within yourself as an actor.

The Craft was what it was. People who respond to that movie respond to it really strongly.

Literature is composed of quarter truths, and the quarters are often spent on penny candy.

I've said before that every craftsman searches for what's not there to practice his craft.

The craft of the merchant is this bringing a thing where it abounds to where it is costly.

The great majority of modern third-person narration is "I" narration very thinly disguised.

The humblest craft that floats makes its appeal to a seaman by the faithfulness of her life.

I live cinema and passionately love music, and my efforts in both these crafts are unfolding.

The building of the architecture of a novel - the craft of it - is something I never tire of.

Making a book is a craft, like making a clock; it needs more than native wit to be an author.

Talent without craft is like fuel without an engine, it burns wildly but accomplishes nothing.

I always say that I am a big fan of films but I am an even bigger fan of the filmmaking craft.

Craft can get you through ninety percent of a piece, but it's art that carries you at the end.

I never regarded my pictures as very much to be proud of, except in this, the craft, the style.

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