The first rule of hurricane coverage is that every broadcast must begin with palm trees bending in the wind.

I think a common sense approach that provides health care coverage to all Americans is the best way forward.

There are going to be counties across this country that won't have any insurance company providing coverage.

Somebody's going to pay for health coverage for the American people, and the question is, how do you do that?

One in seven Americans, including more than 8 million children, does not have even basic healthcare coverage.

You will never have enough space in a tabloid paper to compete with the 'New York Times' on foreign coverage.

If you don't play well, you have a bad game or a nightmare you know that the amount of coverage is worldwide.

The Harding/Kerrigan saga was one of the first feeding-frenzy stories that would forever change news coverage.

You have different schemes for different teams. Some teams blitz a lot, and some teams drop eight in coverage.

I support the Affordable Care Act and believe we should take steps to further expand coverage and reduce costs.

If you give Brett Favre time to throw the ball and single coverage, you're making the offense that much better.

There is no doubt that some in Iran have an unhealthy focus on Bahrain, as some of the broadcast coverage shows.

War coverage should be more than a parade of retired generals and retired government flacks posing as reporters.

Murrow covered something because it needed coverage. He wasn't trying to get an audience just for the sake of it.

You can lower premiums in a variety of ways, but one way to lower premiums is to just give people lousy coverage.

I made a decision when I ran for president that I wouldn't whine about my coverage in the media, and I never did.

I think I'm very good at reading coverage and knowing where I want to go with the ball before the ball is snapped.

It's become relatively commonplace to find corners of Africa that have good cell coverage but no electrical power.

If the numbers keep mounting, newspapers will eventually have to admit that pool exists and give it some coverage.

We believe very strongly that you stop that denial of coverage by promoting choice. Let people make the decisions.

The best solution would be for the federal government to say, 'Yes, we do provide coverage and it's from day one.'

I realise that, strutting around in power corridors for political coverage, a journalist becomes half a politician.

Britain has bred many great explorers, but they seem to get so little coverage compared to soccer and rugby players.

There has been a shift to what may be defined as a culture of negativity which goes well beyond coverage of politics.

I'm as deeply suspicious of big government as anyone. I'm strongly in favor of universal coverage but not single payer.

I don't shy away from things that may be a little different, but own them and implement them in the coverage that I do.

People recognize the size and scope of NASCAR but at the same time we are constantly underserved by the media coverage.

Under Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson, more people will have coverage, and we protect those with pre-existing conditions.

The Conscience Protection Act would ensure no one is coerced to participate in abortions or to provide abortion coverage.

After thousands of hours of news coverage, we have learned that Hillary is a liar and Barack is a terrorist or something.

Regardless of how much media coverage will be received, talking and raising awareness about social injustice isn't enough.

I had better cellular coverage on a ship in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea than I have in many parts of Silicon Valley.

The Republicans want to turn Medicare into a voucher plan that will end guaranteed coverage of medical bills for the elderly.

In 2005, I had a blog, where people discussed topics such as a sustainable economy, renewable energy, and broadband coverage.

You know what? For myself, I kind of like the spy because it takes another guy out of coverage or another guy out of rushing.

There are people in this country who have waited for decades for affordable health coverage for themselves and their families.

Losing access to quality and comprehensive coverage, including for prescription drugs, would be devastating to older Americans.

The daily coverage of the Vietnamese battlefield helped convince the American public that the carnage was not worth the candle.

Do I believe that their coverage is slanted and biased? Yes. I've seen it with my own eyes. A majority of reporters are liberal.

Expanding health coverage is not a technical issue but a political one; it should be seen as a right and a means to development.

Longer distances yield local media coverage that tends to be more one-dimensional and absolute, less nuanced, and more sporadic.

The subsidy for employer-sponsored coverage has tethered health care to employment in a way that virtually no economist endorses.

Under President Obama's new health care law, Medicaid will become a very different health coverage program than first envisioned.

If I tweet out 'Trumpcare will cause 22 million people to lose coverage,' I try to make sure that it is as accurate as it can be.

Since Obamacare was enacted, affordable, individualized health care coverage choices have all but disappeared for many Americans.

Quality child care, health insurance coverage, and training make it possible for former welfare recipients to get, and keep, jobs.

As a diabetic, I was fortunate to have good health coverage through my employer prior to and during my first run for office in 2004.

You get the choice as individuals across this land to be able to purchase the kind of coverage that's right for you and your family.

I can't immediately get all this coverage when my record comes out. The way I sell gold and platinum records is by being on the road.

To effectively fight the coronavirus crisis, we have to make sure that every person has access to quality, affordable health coverage.

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