I love being in a courtroom.

Courtroom dramas can be boring.

Cameras in the courtroom is a great idea.

When I walk into a courtroom, I feel like I'm home.

Honestly, I'm not a massive fan of courtroom dramas.

Well, honestly, I'm not a massive fan of courtroom dramas.

And what importance do I have in the courtroom of oblivion?

Jurors want courtroom lawyers to have some compassion and be nice.

I can write dramas that are about inside and outside the courtroom.

I was in the courtroom prosecuting violent felonies for well over a decade.

I enjoyed the courtroom as just another stage but not so amusing as Broadway.

Keeping politics out of the courtroom is a goal every state aspires to achieve.

Of course, actors look forward to the day when they can do a big courtroom scene.

I grew up on courtroom dramas, and I really love the feel of a dramatic thriller.

There's a lot more to competence than a law degree and a modicum of courtroom skill.

I'd like to do my first record I ever made, A Church, a Courtroom, and Then Goodbye.

When you have a child victim, I don't think cameras should be in the courtroom, ever.

The day you see a camera come into our courtroom, it's going to roll over my dead body.

I have not fully had the opportunity to evaluate the impact of cameras in the courtroom.

'Jolly LLB' is one of my favorite movies. Courtroom films are rare to come by in Telugu.

If you have a camera in the courtroom, there's no filtering. What you see is what's there.

I read a lot when I'm away. I love courtroom dramas and I'm always looking for new authors.

Good reporting should have the same standard as in a courtroom - beyond a reasonable doubt.

It's very important not to lose your temper in a courtroom, or in anything else you're doing.

That's the best way to practice law, is writing about it and not having to be in the courtroom!

From childhood on, I did sit in the courtroom watching my father argue cases and talk to juries.

Money will determine whether the accused goes to prison or walks out of the courtroom a free man.

Whereas if you have a camera in the courtroom, there's no filtering. What you see is what's there.

When I wanted to be an attorney, I think I wanted to be a litigator; I wanted to be in a courtroom.

The Bible says, Judge not lest ye be judged. Our lives are supposed to be hospitals, not courtrooms.

Justice has nothing to do with what goes on in a courtroom; Justice is what comes out of a courtroom

Justice has nothing to do with what goes on in a courtroom; Justice is what comes out of a courtroom.

It takes a long time to learn that a courtroom is the last place in the world for learning the truth.

If you take the cameras out of the courtroom, then you hide a certain measure of truth from the public.

Haldeman is the only man in America in this generation who let his hair grow for a courtroom appearance.

I used to wear sneakers with those nice suits because I wanted Victor Sifuentes to have a bounce in the courtroom.

I think cameras should be in the courtroom, but they need to be managed properly. You need a judge to hold the line.

It's always been my dream to be an attorney, and I'm that weird breed of human being that loves being in a courtroom.

The Courtroom is a battlefield, and oral argument requires a fair amount of verbal jousting and sparring with the Justices.

I had never attended a trial until my daughter's murder trial. What I witnessed in that courtroom enraged and redirected me.

We are more casual about qualifying the people we allow to act as advocates in the courtroom than we are about licensing electricians.

The courtroom is a quiet place, Judge Roberts, where you park your political ideology, and you call the balls and you call the strikes.

The penalty for laughing in a courtroom is six months in jail; if it were not for this penalty, the jury would never hear the evidence.

You are going to use this courtroom to kill me? I am going to fight for my life one way or another. You should let me do it with words.

Hardly anyone says anything real in the courtroom. Almost everything is decided ahead of time, and the truth is found behind the scenes.

Judges can bring their own biases about sexuality in the courtroom, causing victims untold pain in the telling and retailing of their stories.

Defendants would groan whenever they saw me enter a courtroom because I had a reputation for coming armed with the facts and for winning cases.

Lawsuits should not be used to destroy a viable and independent distribution system. The solution lies in the marketplace and not the courtroom.

Cameras should be the norm everywhere. It should be in every courtroom so that the proceedings are taken down and recorded just like stenography.

The only thing I knew would make my grandmother more proud than watching my TV courtroom was to see me dressed up in white tie doing the foxtrot.

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