Of course I get hurt.

I know him...of course.

Of course awards matter.

Of course, I'm no dummy.

Of course we're Criminals

Of course drugs were fun.

I enjoy hard golf courses.

Life is, of course, terrible.

Changing course is never easy.

What abandoned course is that?

Soup is cuisines kindest course

Do I read her books? Of course.

Greek blood courses through me.

Of course the law's not racist.

I took a lot of writing courses.

Time rolls his ceaseless course.

Fear is choosing the safe course

Of course I have a personal life.

I took pre-med courses in college.

Memory is, of course, a trickster.

Of course, it has never paid much.

Vic Armstrong is, of course, a legend

The course of Nature is the art of God

My course is set for an uncharted sea.

Of course, western is my native music.

Of course, a movie is in constant flux.

Of course, it's fun to play with Blacks.

Of course I have nightmares-Who doesn't?

The lie, of course, is more interesting.

Of course not. After all, I may be wrong.

Oh, of course, I always feel unconfident.

Of course. You get everything from books.

Of course I loved books more than people.

Faith sir! She looks like the Old Course.

"Do you have any regrets?" Of course I do.

I took all the philosophy courses I could.

Of course I have bad hair days; I’m human.

Rejection is the natural course of things.

Free people will set the course of history.

To lie, of course, is to engender insanity.

At my lowest I was making nothing, of course

Of course you're nervous going into a final.

Majorities, of course, start with minorities.

Of course, we're all a mass of contradictions.

Of course, I got hurt, but I was never afraid.

Of course we fight. What sisters don't battle?

All government, of course, is against liberty.

Of course she is a fool, but so are all girls.

Loneliness is a required course for leadership.

I can't afford to be a member of a golf course.

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