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Rehearsing is more about blocking in the case of movies, I think, and blocking, of course, is very important to the beauty of a scene.
Of course we had our arguments; we had everything, but at the end of the day, that was still my mother, my confidante - my everything.
Fellows who have rascally faces have only one course to take, and that is to remain honest; otherwise, they would be arrested off-hand.
Of course Messi could handle a cold Tuesday night in Stoke. He'd be drinking tea and relaxing beforehand. Me? I'd probably be the same.
Unfortunately, some of our poor choices are irreversible, but many are not. Often, we can change course and get back on the right track.
Never let 'em see you sweat. Guests feel guilty if they think you've worked too hard to make dinner for them - which of course you have!
I grew up on Geto Boys and of course UGK, who put my hometown of Port Arthur, Texas, on the map. I was about Goodie Mob and OutKast too.
There is a time when we must firmly choose the course which we will follow or the endless drift of events will make the decision for us.
People talk very much about, 'What can we do with the orchestra in the 21st century?' We should think about the 21st century, of course.
Of course there's systemic misogyny in certain parts of our culture and systemic racism and a wider range of insults women have to face.
Finding out whether I had made the grades for my first choice university course or whether I needed to rethink my future was terrifying.
My wife said to me: 'If you won the lottery, would you still love me?' I said: 'Of course I would. I'd miss you, but I'd still love you.'
Of course, I remember when everybody was thin. It wasn't until I went to America in the Sixties that I saw anyone who wasn't skinny thin.
I am really two people. I am a private person and a political person. Of course, if there is a conflict, the political person comes first.
Status quo just means that everyone's doing it. It doesn't mean that this was divinely ordained, and of course this is the right decision.
When I was 16, I got 'Jamon, Jamon.' Of course, I had to lie about my age. And I had to lie to my parents about the content of the script.
Of course, New Brighton is very shabby, very rundown, but people still go there because it's the place where you take kids out on a Sunday.
Take a course in good water and air; and in the eternal youth of Nature you may renew your own. Go quietly, alone; no harm will befall you.
I think the tiniest little thing can change the course of your day, which can change the course of your year, which can change who you are.
Yes, of course that's true but you know, the irony of all that is that before the accident, I'd pretty much lost interest in playing drums.
Any critic is entitled to wrong judgments, of course. But certain lapses of judgment indicate the radical failure of an entire sensibility.
Obstacles, of course, are developmentally necessary: they teach kids strategy, patience, critical thinking, resilience and resourcefulness.
In the modern world, those who are weak will get unambiguous advice from foreign visitors which way to go and what policy course to pursue.
Making a movie is like you're behind the wheel, and you're driving through the obstacle course, and the pedal is down, and you can't brake.
Would you take anybody's views on Christianity seriously if they hadn't read the New Testament? Of course you wouldn't. So I read the Koran.
There's been a lot of talk about Jack White wanting to work with me, and I've always admired him, and of course, he lives in Nashville, too.
Of course you cannot compare my Hindi with a Hindi-speaking person, but I am confident enough to hold a conversation in mixed Hindi-English.
Through love, we come close to the hearts of our brothers - at the beginning, throughout the course of, and right up to the end of our lives.
Of course, I think that people are just waiting for that time when I make a mistake and they're gonna jump on it.... There's gonna be haters.
Of course, I was an insane ECW fan. You don't get this deep into wrestling unless you are obsessed with wrestling so that was the final hook.
The role of the pastor is to embody the gospel. And of course to get it embodied, which you can only do with individuals, not in the abstract.
Of all religions, the Christian should of course inspire the most tolerance, but until now Christians have been the most intolerant of all men.
No one will ever know what I went through to secure those negatives. The world can never appreciate it. It changed the whole course of my life.
Literally thousands of e-mails over the course of a book go out to people I've never met, people who might end up being the focus of a chapter.
So far as it depends on the course of this government, our relations of good will and friendship will be sedulously cultivated with all nations.
Of course, in our grade school, in those days, there were no organized sports at all. We just went out and ran around the school yard for recess.
Things have to sell, of course, but if I don't want to put bags on the runway, we don't put bags on the runway. I have complete creative control.
God forbid you be an ugly girl, 'course too pretty is also your doom, 'cause everyone harbors a secret hatred for the prettiest girl in the room.
I used to be on 'The Bold & The Beautiful'; that character, Bridget Forrester, is dear to my heart, and of course, the reruns of that you can see.
The more you are getting older, you lose a little something. Of course there is another advantage, because of your long experience you can use it.
I am obsessed with beauty. I want everything to be perfect, and of course it isn't. And that's a tough place to be because you're never satisfied.
Of course the biggest mafia in Russia has always been the government; in Soviet times, the Communist Party, and now a circle of former KGB and FSB.
The secret of a leader lies in the tests he has faced over the whole course of his life and the habit of action he develops in meeting those tests.
When everyone is telling you, 'You're so beautiful, there's nobody like you,' you begin to think it's true. But of course there is nobody like you.
We have breathtaking state and national parks, flourishing adventure tourism and culinary scenes and the world's best horses. And of course bourbon.
I once said, 'We will bury you,' and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you.
A world in which others controlled the course of their own development, would be a world in which the American system would be seriously endangered.
I'm not a huge shopper. I love looking good - obviously, on the golf course I like looking sharp, that's for sure. I'm just not into knowing brands.
Of course, I do have a slight advantage over the rest of you. It helps in a pinch to be able to remind your bride that you gave up a throne for her.
Pearl Harbor caused our Nation to wholeheartedly commit to winning World War II, changing the course of our Nation's history and the world's future.