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There is in Ammiel Alcalay’s work an unabashed tenderness for the world as it is, and that makes him courageous, different.
Better by far to be good and courageous and bold and to make difference. Not change the world exactly, but the bit around you
A knowledgeable and courageous U.S. president could help enormously in leading the world's nations toward saving the climate.
I really feel very strongly that the person who runs for office is the courageous one, and the one who everybody has to know.
I prefer to look at a natural woman. A woman should be courageous to become older, not desperate to look younger than her age.
For us, someone who is willing to step forward and help is much more courageous than someone who is merely fulfilling the role.
Heroes are never perfect, but they're brave, they're authentic, they're courageous, determined, discreet, and they've got grit.
Skydiving is something I've never done! And I am very excited to take the leap with a community of like-minded courageous women.
Today, most Americans are too cynical, or tired, or both, to even approximate our Founders' courageous repudiation of injustice.
The minute a person whose word means a great deal to others dare to take the open-hearted and courageous way, many others follow.
As is well known, [Carrie Fisher] suffered - and was open about it. Her transparency was courageous, which is why people loved her.
Cuba has become a symbol of courageous resistance to attack. Since 1959, Cuba has been under attack from the hemispheric superpower.
There's something which impels us to show our inner souls. The more courageous we are, the more we succeed in explaining what we know.
Everything changes when you make a decision to be one of the courageous ones, someone who chooses to make a life, rather than a living.
I once wrote a book on courage and what made people courageous. I found it was a strength of belief matched by a strength of willpower.
Life is a mystery, and there is nothing to explain everything is just open, it is in front of you. Encounter it! Meet it! Be courageous!
Without the compassionate understanding of the fear and trepidation that lie behind courageous speech, we are bound only to our arrogance.
Disobedience, the rarest and most courageous of the virtues, is seldom distinguished from neglect, the laziest and commonest of the vices.
Some people with awful cards can be successful because of how they deal with the tragedies they're handed, and that seems courageous to me.
God hears no sweeter music than the cracked chimes of the courageous human spirit ringing in imperfect acknowledgement of His perfect love.
My mother made the courageous decision to flee a tyrannized Cuba in the 1950s and bring her children to the United States, where I was born.
I'm never more courageous than when I'm embracing imperfection, embracing vulnerabilities, and setting boundaries with the people in my life.
There is only one Republican presidential candidate that has a proven, courageous, and conservative record on national security: Marco Rubio.
You have resources yet to be unleashed. Make bold, courageous choices. Live as though you have the power to change the world - because you do.
The horse, the noblest, bravest, proudest, most courageous and certainly the most perverse and infuriating animal that humans ever domesticated
I'm not sure Americans are hesitant to do this again - to fight another war, because it looked to them like a courageous and terrific endeavor.
Like every other industry or institution, the journalism world is populated by the petty and fearful, in addition to the courageous and brilliant.
Courageous dreaming allows you to create from the source, the quantum soup of the universe where everything exists in a latent or potential state.
A courageous warrior knows that she is powerfully sourced by something much greater than herself and that she can release the judgments of others.
Clarence Darrow was a unique and courageous man. Several of my favourite actors have played Darrow... Henry Fonda, Orson Welles and Spencer Tracy.
A surgeon is surrounded by people who are sick, discouraged, afraid, embittered, dying - but also courageous, loving, wise, compassionate and alive.
In a fascist shift, reporters start to face more and more harassment, and they have to be more and more courageous simply in order to do their jobs.
I am courageous at the decisive moment. But I need a good deal of start-up time, and I try to take as much as possible into consideration beforehand.
Major actions by courageous and wise men will be necessary to avoid our continuing to blunder into the space age like unenlightened and selfish idiots.
Courage is like—it’s a habitus, a habit, a virtue: You get it by courageous acts. It’s like you learn to swim by swimming. You learn courage by couraging.
It's important to stand up to all forms of bullying, and it's even more important for those who are around you to be just as courageous and stand with you!
I thought that the chief thing to be done in order to equal boys was to be learned and courageous. So I decided to study Greek and learn to manage a horse.
Like Jon Voight, Pat Boone, Kelsey Grammer, and Gary Sinise, Clint Howard is one of the few courageous enough to identify himself publicly as a conservative.
Political tyranny is nothing compared to the social tyranny and a reformer who defies society is a more courageous man than a politician who defies Government.
I feel that it is our moral obligation to stand and to be courageous with these families, and particularly Cindy, that have become the conscience of this nation.
Obviously, if you look at the history of rail in the U.S., it took courageous entrepreneurs to have that vision of connecting the whole nation from east to west.
You have to really be courageous about your instincts and your ideas. Otherwise you'll just knuckle under, and things that might have been memorable will be lost.
I think it's such a courageous thing to look around and say, 'If I don't get to be one of the lucky ones who are born with a family, how do I put that in my life?'
I kind of think of my life as this incredible hurricane of so many adventures. We can all make a difference, and we can all be courageous and believe in ourselves.
We emerged from the events of September 11 more steadfast in our beliefs, more courageous in our actions and more determined to protect our values than ever before.
I try to go with the flow, and I feel pretty comfortable with who I am. I feel courageous enough to go outside myself and try something new, like everything in life.
Women? I love women. Life would have been virtually zero without them. Journalism? I really feel like I am a journalist... And courage? I had a boat named Courageous.
Waste not a day in vain digression; with resolute, courageous trust seek every possible impression and make it firmly your posession you'll then work on because you must.
Women have always been courageous... They are always fearless when protecting their children and in the last century they have been fearless in the fight for their rights.