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There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy.
It may be that apartheid brings such stupendous economic advantages to countries that they would sooner have apartheid than permit its destruction.
The EU is not a country and it's not going to become a country, in my view, now or ever in the future. It is a group of countries working together.
More humane societies are usually smaller, like the Scandinavian countries and Holland, where it is much easier to reach consensus and cooperation.
For me, the definition of a patriot is someone who is willing to constantly question the government; that's what separates us from other countries.
When you want to make it clear to the rest of the world that you are not an imperialist, the best countries to have with you are Britain and Spain.
We sold 'Seinfeld' all over the world but it was a very specific kind of show. In some countries it went down really well, in others they hated it.
A lot of people in Islamic countries are taking it as a personal offense when people are talking about the violence against women in their culture.
Having been on tour in countries that are extremely eco-friendly, we automatically end up doing the things that normal people do in other countries.
Every country, every donation is a different case, and there are many cases where NGOs are getting support from foreign countries for good purposes.
Norway has a great history of women's football, but it's harder now. We've stopped talking about development, and other countries have overtaken us.
As long as we are one of the most expensive countries to produce in, we should focus on cutting costs that directly and indirectly weigh on business.
The environmental problems of developing countries are not the side effects of excessive industrialisation but reflect the inadequacy of development.
Sports has given me the opportunity to travel around the world and see new countries and meet so many different people. I've gained new perspectives.
American wars in Muslim countries created some extremists and inflamed many more while producing a security vacuum that allowed them to wreak mayhem.
While cheap products are exported to western countries, the waste is dumped mostly in China's back yard, contaminating its air, water, soil and seas.
I am in favor of helping the prosperity of all countries because, when we are all prosperous, the trade with each becomes more valuable to the other.
We collaborate with other countries on issues like public health and climate change because we understand these issues affect our collective welfare.
We modern Marxists regard socialism as a historically brief transitional stage between feudalism and capitalism, necessary only in backward countries.
If the current birth rate, which is the lowest in the major developed countries, continues, there will be no Japanese. Who will pay the enormous debt?
Countries across the world are taking action now to help them track paedophiles and terrorists who abuse new technology to plot their horrific crimes.
The real competitive advantage will come to countries and companies who differentiate their offerings through education, innovation, and productivity.
Bolshevism presented itself as an economic threat to themselves at the same time that Nazism presented itself as a political threat to their countries.
It's fun being in Islamic countries, to know there's only one religion. There's order. You wear a burqa. There's no choice. People are happy with that.
Agricultural products ranging from citrus and dairy to beef and chicken face stifling tariffs or nontariff barriers in many countries around the world.
We must reduce the emissions 100 percent. In Venezuela, the emissions are currently insignificant compared to the emissions of the developed countries.
I've been to over 70 different countries, all seven continents. It's been just a wonderful ride, and all that is because of professional wrestling 100%.
Economically, unfair trade will benefit nobody in the long run, as poorer countries will be bled totally dry and will become unable to produce anything.
In the 21st century, the countries that thrive will be the ones where citizens know their voices will be heard because the institutions are transparent.
I play for Watford, it's not the biggest team in the Premier League, but I go to Antigua, I go to different countries and people go 'you're Troy Deeney.'
Well-meaning Europeans sometimes argue that unlike the U.S., their countries are traditionally 'homogeneous' and have little experience with immigration.
As we've seen, deploying large armies abroad won't always be our best offense. Countries typically don't want foreign soldiers in their cities and towns.
Like many countries, Indonesia can transform its decision-making system to be more transparent and inclusive, particularly on resource allocation and use.
Make your plate colorful. A lot of Asian countries make it a point of having five colors present on every dish, which leads to eating nutrient-rich foods.
Many countries persecute their own citizens and intern them in prisons or concentration camps. Oppression is becoming more and more a part of the systems.
We were constantly moving to different countries and adjusting to new things. It was such a free feeling. I'm glad I didn't have a traditional upbringing.
When countries commit to protecting vulnerable lives, they should receive support from those who can provide it in order to make their programs a success.
I've often found myself looking fondly at the Valentine's cultures in other countries. South Korea, for instance - where women must give chocolate to men.
As soon as one nation claims the right to take preventive action, other countries will naturally do the same. If we go down that road, where are we going?
All the United States, it is a society that is split like to the bottom, that had very poor people in the country that is one of the wealthiest countries.
Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.
Internationalism, illustrated by the Bolshevik and by the men to whom all countries are alike provided they can make money out of them, is to me repulsive.
Colonialism is an idea born in the West that drives Western countries - like France, Italy, Belgium, Great Britain - to occupy countries outside of Europe.
For the first time in history, a private company is organizing a mission to the moon. This mission will inspire countries of the world, citizens, our youth.
I always sang in school choirs and went on tours to other countries. I have always loved it. It's a very communal thing, and you really connect with people.
By 2020 the U.S. will be short 91,000 doctors. There's no way we can educate enough doctors to make up that shortfall, and other countries are far worse off.
I have travelled across several countries and continents, but India holds a special place in my heart since every single state has something unique to offer.
When developing countries go to the WTO and register their protest over things, they should be heard. Their views should be considered by the rich countries.
Of course, in China, there's already plenty of people who like badminton. I'm hoping more foreigners, Americans, and other countries can get into this sport.
If Dubai could be built over mere sand and is one of the richest countries in the world today - why not make the most of the country we've been blessed with?