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Of course there's going to be times when I'm going to have to step up and knock down corner 3s, but I don't want to settle all the time.
All roads lead to Wall Street, but we feel the effects of Wall Street on every street corner. Certainly in Syracuse, N.Y., where I live.
I love Rome and the way that you can wander around and find something interesting around every street corner. You can smell the history.
When I moved to Los Angeles to be on the radio, there was an acting school on every corner. You can't be in L.A. and not be into acting.
Winnie the Pooh was such a part of my childhood. My kindergarten was named Pooh Corner, after one of A.A. Milne's collections of stories.
I believe that if the Tribune company ever tries to close down Wrigley Field that you will have a protest from every corner of the globe.
In my plays I want to look at life - at the commonplace of existence-as if we had just turned a corner and run into it for the first time.
I never thought I would be married at 23, but that's the fun thing about life - you don't know what is waiting for you at the next corner.
It's very weird waking around a corner and being nose to nose with myself on the side of a bus. And Times Square - that's the craziest one.
I can now video chat with my grandkids from any corner of the world, listen to music, or order food and have it delivered to my front door.
I've always kind of been an in-the-moment kind of person. I don't think that far in advance or have any idea what's around the next corner.
Brooklyn, where I grew up, is a competitive burg - there's always a pretty boy around the corner there, and you gotta look better than him.
I don't know of any other creature on earth other than man that will sit in a corner and cry because of some painful experience in the past.
Festivals are great because you get to just walk around the corner and see a new band that you've heard but not had the chance to check out.
Racetracks are designed to make it as difficult as possible to get around that corner fast. And some ramps, by necessity, are that way, too.
You gotta put me on a team with LeBron or Chris Paul or someone and I can just spot up in the corner and let them go to work, kick it to me.
If an offer comes my way, I would love to sing in every Indian language. It will be like an ode to my fans from every corner of the country.
I went to Cambridge and thought I would stay there. I thought I would quietly grow tweed in a corner somewhere and become a Don or something.
After the success of Stephen's book, a whole new crowd of people became very interested in him, and the family was just pushed into a corner.
My target is to score in every match here at the 2012 Olympics. I am hoping to land on target with my penalty corner shots at crucial moments.
I've always maintained that if I didn't have the boot and was talking serious things on the street corner, it would be very easy to ignore me.
I lived in L.A. for four years, and basically, every corner you go to, or in a restaurant, you can't even find people from the same background.
If I walk into a room, I'm quite content to sit in the corner and chat with people who walk by. But coaching forced me to come out of my shell.
When I was 7, I started playing with a club. The only grass on the field was in the corner. There was no grass in the middle! It was just sand.
I didn't have a good childhood because I never could get along with other kids. I was the child that sat in the corner eating lunch by herself.
I always wanted to get married. I was very drawn to the idea of a partner with whom you went through life, a mate who was always in your corner.
If you've got someone fighting your corner, someone who loves you and you love, and is also really, really clever, the battle is so much easier.
A lot of the time I get obsessed by little nerdy things in my corner that no one else is interested in. I have that nerd factor in my character.
Most of the things we decide are not what we know to be the best. We say yes, merely because we are driven into a corner and must say something.
There can never be such a thing as a free market, because it is human nature to cheat, monopolize, and buy off others so as to corner the market.
Too small is our world to allow discrimination, bigotry and intolerance to thrive in any corner of it, let alone in the United States of America.
Bad influences and distractions were around every corner. But I also learned that my neighborhood could be a nurturing, positive place to grow up.
Of course there are times when I hate London, but equally there are times when I can walk 'round a corner and I really feel that this is my place.
I haven't always been the guy that walks into a room and automatically the attention is on me. I'm normally the guy that stands off in the corner.
I think there's a mystery to drawing - to the weight of the lines. The sweep of a line around a corner to create an effect that someone is moving.
My neighborhood, Coconut Grove, we always played in the streets. It was corner against corner. We all had football teams. Different neighborhoods.
It would be great to have Bach in one corner, Bessie Smith in another, John Lennon in another. That's what I'd ideally like. A studio of the dead.
I'm not one to fall back into the corner and put my fate in someone else's hands. I tend to believe anyone in my position would do the same thing.
I've taken thousands of shots in the corner. It's all mental. That's all it comes down to, is to be ready, wait for your opportunity, and execute.
For years I have been mourning and not for my dead, it is for this boy for whatever corner in my heart died when his childhood slid out of my arms.
When I traveled professionally in Europe, I would inevitably spend a weekend at the Hotel Costes around the corner from the Place Vendome in Paris.
Co-creation is much more work than writing somewhere in a hidden corner and then publishing your content. However, the benefits outweigh the costs.
Would I get into politics? I'll just say what I tell people when they ask me this: Pray that everyday citizens like me aren't pushed to that corner.
My father ran a corner drug store where he worked night and day, seven days a week, until he died of a stroke. He literally worked himself to death.
But you can never take anything for granted in the FA Cup, because an upset is always only just around the corner, and I have experienced those too.
Can't a rapper insist, like other artists, on a fictional reality, in which he is somehow still on the corner, despite occupying the penthouse suite?
My character, Rick Spleen, is a what-if version of me, really, where nothing did quite turn out right and everything else is still around the corner.
If I go into a club now, all the blonde girls leave my corner and all the black girls come into my corner. It's as if I'm racist towards white girls!
When we lost Steve, it was a real crossroads of deciding if you're just going to curl up in the corner or try to do something even bigger and better.
All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning. Great works are often born on a street corner or in a restaurant's revolving door.