My view is the core engine supporting India's growth aspiration will be the financial sector, which will have to get more efficient.

One of the easiest things to incorporate into your everyday life is plank exercises: great for your core, great for your lower back.

Well, I'm an artist to the core. And my objective has always been to use my talents and my skills to elevate humanity through my art.

I am deeply in tune with my heart and core, and it's made me a better writer, artist, and most of all woman. It's made me more myself.

My hope is that we revive 'monopoly' as a core piece of political rhetoric that broadly denotes dominant firms with pernicious powers.

I've always focused on technology and growth and don't have the core competency to do liability management - I'm a mechanical engineer.

Religious programs, activities have often blurred and sidelined the centrality of the cross - causing religion to be empty of its core.

New York - I'm connected. This is my core. I feel like if I'm not connected to New York, then I don't even know what to do with myself.

Whatever film I'm making, no matter how harsh or edgy it is, there has to be a core underneath the ebb and flow of it that is heartfelt.

There's plenty about God that I don't understand and can't explain. But I come back to my core belief that God is good, that He's for us.

There is a fundamental notion at the core of American identity that, in this country, any little boy or girl can grow up to be president.

In the Senate, I will work to shrink the size of our federal government to its core Constitutional role so the private sector can thrive.

Pilates works all the small muscles in your body and there's so much core that comes with it - and core is so important for a quarterback.

My core belief is to seek peace in the world, helping people eliminate certain malevolent attitudes through education as much as possible.

Before Churchill had done anything else, he was a writer. He believed to the core that words matter. They count. They can change the world.

I think Phoenix is a place where people see the potential. They see the young core that we have. They see the fan base, the wonderful city.

Fashion and beauty is a reflection of what's on the inside. And if you're genuine, they match up. The core of who you are will be the same.

If you're going to make a movie about a character who is a supervillain, it's fantastic to have a core sense of empathy for that character.

I love drawing, whether it's considered work or not, but I'm always drawing, and that's the core of the work. Everything comes from drawing.

The thing about death is that it's honest. I go to things that have a core of honesty about them and there's nothing more honest than death.

Core strengthening is key to everything. It's not just about the way I look, but about stabilizing my body so I can perform better on stage.

The actual Blue Rose murders, which lie at the core of the three novels, yield various incorrect solutions which assume the status of truth.

Whatever terrible things may have happened to you, only one thing allows them to damage your core self, and that is continued belief in them.

At its core Twitter is about sharing, and I think that in life we never feel better or more energized than when we're giving to someone else.

In high school, I was friends with everybody. I had my core group of friends, but I could flow through different social groups pretty easily.

The discrimination of women and girls goes to the core of any and all analyses of the world's economic, political, and environmental problems.

Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core.

We have the largest economy and the strongest military in the world. Our core values of freedom and opportunity are ascendant around the globe.

You must have love as the core; it takes courage to be willing to constantly tell the truth to each other and risk letting the relationship go.

In my opinion, that's one of the hardest things to do in songwriting: crafting a song that speaks to you but, at its core, is a simple concept.

Alas, the world has never known a sound social fabric, a fabric sound and clean to the core and kindly. For it has ever turned its back on Man.

I'm good enough; I'm smart enough. Self-affirmation is where people list their core values. These are things that really make them who they are.

One thing ImageNet changed in the field of AI is suddenly people realized the thankless work of making a dataset was at the core of AI research.

I'm a person that's grounded in faith and believe that my core values, motivation, inspiration, draw from a conception of the world in that way.

The moment eternal - just that and no more - When ecstasy's utmost we clutch at the core While cheeks burn, arms open, eyes shut, and lips meet!

My core belief is that if you're complaining about something for more than three minutes, two minutes ago you should have done something about it.

Foundational autonomy asserts instead that in the most fundamental practical sense, I am my own creator, which means that at the core, I am alone.

If you ask me what is at the core of what I write, it isn't about 'rights', it's about justice. Justice is a grand, beautiful, revolutionary idea.

I never wanted to really make a career out of doing Christian music exclusively, but I love it to my core. I love music. I love what I'm doing now.

Before they deploy, they train for the specific operations, but there is a danger that the Army is not retaining the core of its full capabilities.

At its core, 90 percent of my job is still sitting down in a room full of people, and breaking stories... and that requires virtually no technology.

Anybody that believes that a country can be maintained that has no ethnic core to it or no linguistic core to it, I believe, is naive in the extreme.

Every launch of a new international edition of HuffPost is an opportunity to revisit our core DNA and remind ourselves who we are as an organization.

No one escapes being haunted by something that absolutely terrifies them to the core, but very few feel it's okay to admit what it is that haunts us.

We must remember that politics is more than a power game. The core of politics in my view is to serve our citizens, to serve our fellow human beings.

Sometimes I take this women's exercise class called Core Fusion at a place called Exhale. I shouldn't say it's a women's class. There's maybe two men.

To those who have always wondered how they might best serve the wider world, wildlife conservation is, at its core, one of the purest forms of giving.

I kick off every monthly team meeting with 'core value stories' - team members stand up and recognize how another team member exemplified a core value.

At its core, the FCC's plan to regulate the Internet will force businesses and people to check first with the government and get permission to innovate.

One of the core organizing principles of my life is that success comes through a delicate balance between making things happen and letting things happen.

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